And Everything Went Black

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Her red hair blew in the wind and an angry look settled on her face. I couldn't understand what she was doing here. I couldn't understand what she wanted with me. I couldn't understand why she wanted me dead so badly.

"Quinn, what are you doing?" I asked seriously

"You... it's all about you! I can't quite understand what's so special about you? You came along and ruined everything. Everything good about this organization. Everything good about the world. You don't even know what you destroyed. You don't understand what you did. You don't get it. How could we expect you to understand, you're a child. A stupid, foolish, child. Didn't anyone ever tell you that curiosity killed the cat? Or the stupid child in this case." She spat venomously.

"Explain what you mean. Tell me what I destroyed. Make me understand." I said pleading with her.

"The organization. You are the reason they started this whole mess." She said getting closer to me and waving the gun around. She seemed a bit deranged.

"What mess?" I asked shaking my head.

"You know what mess! You know what mess. And then there you go acting like you're trying to fix everything when you know you're the reason why this all started." She yelled pointing the gun right at me again.

"Quinn... I really don't know what you are talking about..." I said before she cut me off.

"Yes you do! Yes you do! Stop pretending that you don't. Just admit it. Just admit what you are doing." She screamed kind of reminding me of a child who didn't get their way.

"Ok. Ok. I know what you're talking about. I admit it. I went on this mission not fully understanding what I was getting myself into. I'm naïve. I only recently turned 18 years old. I'm barely an adult. I'm not even out of my teens. I can't understand the consequences of my actions. Which is why I need people to stop me. I need people to warn me. I need people to tell me what to do so that I can do it. Tell me what to do Quinn. How can I make this better?" I asked taking a step towards her. Only to put a barrier between Quinn and Leila. "How can I make this better?"

"You can't it's too late. The president is dead. Everyone is dead. Jesse gone missing. The king is with him somewhere. Mr. Greyson is gone and I know good and well you have him. Where is he Ela? Is he dead or do you have him locked up in some basement somewhere?" She asked spitefully.

"He's alive." I said nodding. "And well taken care of." I added.

"Well taken care of. Bull fucking shit. You have him locked up in the subs right? Somewhere deep down in there where no on can get to him and where he can't get out. Right? I know you Ela. I know what you are capable of. I just don't know how you go him. I don't know who could've possibly given him to you. He wouldn't have done it willingly. Jesse's gone so I know it's not him. I sure as hell didn't do it. And... Alex... that little backstabbing traitor. He did it didn't he? He was more loyal to you than to the people who were his family his entire life." She spat angrily.

"Family? FAMILY? You guys forced him into being apart of the organization when he was little. He had no idea what he was doing. He didn't know what he was getting himself into. And then you guys raised him to think that some of the stuff that he was doing was normal. It wasn't normal. He wasn't given the opportunity to be a normal child. His childhood is gone now because of you guys. He became an adult way faster than he should've. He never enjoyed being a kid and now he's going to have to live with that for the rest of his life." I spat back at her.

"We were good to him. I loved that kid like he was my own brother. You have no right to say that to me. I've always wanted what was best for him. I always felt bad because he was never able to have a real childhood. You don't have to remind me of that. You little bitch. I already know. I've known Alex longer than you have. I've watched him grow up. You didn't so you have no right to say any of that to me." She yelled back.

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