It's You

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For one minute... one minute sit and imagine your life 10 years down the line. Are you happy? Are you with the person you can't live without? Are you doing the thing you are passionate about? If not then change something. Go somewhere. Experience new things. Be with the person you love. You know what's going to make you happy. Now go do it. Go be happy.

I replayed those words over and over in my head as I walked to his room. I don't know how I could've missed this all this time. Maybe it was the fact that he moved away, Maybe it was the fact that we became best friends and for a while I just needed that stability in my life. Yet, it's been him. From the very beginning it's always been him. Only him. He's been my best friend. My oxygen pump when I couldn't breathe. My anchor when I felt like life was pulling me away. He's been there for me throughout it all. I don't know why I couldn't see it before.

I knocked on his door. He opened it groggily while wiping his eyes.

"Ela?" He said yawning. "What time is it?" He asked I giggled at his tiredness. "You know what? Don't worry about it. I'll grab my bag and call my person and we'll be gone in an hour. Let me catch a shower first though." He said before stepping back into his room.

"It's you." I blurted out. It's you? Really? That's what comes out of my mouth.

"Wait what? What's me?" Jerry asked confused. I mean I get why he's confused. It's 1:30 a.m. and I woke him up and blurted out "It's you!" Like what the heck? Get it together.

"Can I come in?" I asked looking up at him.

"Sure, of course." He said moving out of the doorway allowing me to walk into his room. I paced around for a little while.

"Ela, you're making me nervous. Can you sit down?" Jerry asked and I could tell he was waking up now.

"Yea." I said sitting on his bed. I patted a place next to me and he sat. "Just give me a minute to gather my thoughts ok?" I said looking over at him.

"Yea, take your time. Just not too much time because I might pass back out at any moment." He said before yawning again.

"You know what? I can wait until the morning to do this." I said getting up. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back on the bed.

"Oh no you won't. This is obviously something important and I'm not letting you leave if you don't get this off your chest. Besides both you and I know that if you don't do this now then you're gonna go back to your room and you're gonna argue with yourself for another hour or so before you march yourself right back over here and I would rather you not have to wake me up again at like 4 in the morning. So whatever it is that you need to tell me just tell me. I mean, how crazy can it be? You have showed up on my doorstep and drug me into chasing a secret spy organization. I'd like to see you top that." He said with a light chuckle causing me to ease up a little. "Just tell me. You've never been afraid to tell me anything before. Don't start that nonsense with me now." He said looking me in the eyes. He smiled before reaching around me to turn on a dim lamp and grab his glasses. I remembered the first time I ever saw him wear those glasses. I thought he looked like the cutest nerd in the history of cute nerds ever. We've come a long way since that day. Yet, his eyes, in this moment, hypnotized me that same way they did back then. Even though this whole thing seemed like a big mess I looked in his eyes and felt calm. I felt relaxed. I felt safe. I felt happy. I looked down and grabbed his hands before returning my gaze to his eyes.

"I came to you in Paris and you didn't even hesitate when I pulled you down a path you knew that you probably wouldn't make it out of alive. You lost your memories and not once did you blame me for any of it. You were by my side on a wild goose chase to take down a nearly indestructible organization. You didn't question me when I came to you with the world's craziest ideas. Instead you always had your bag packed and ready to hop on that next flight whenever the time came. I've gotten you into a thousand near death experiences and you still trust me. You were the one to snap me out of my trance when I was about ready to jump off the roof of the school. During the explosion you fought with me to save Mr. Greyson when everyone else told us it wasn't worth the fight. You've always been there for me. You've always had my back. You've always been my partner even when you were half way across the world. You were there. In the book he left for me Mr. Greyson ended his note with a little bit of advice. He told me to sit and think. He wanted me to imagine my life 10 years down the road. Am I happy? Am I with the person I can't live without? Am I doing the thing I'm most passionate about? He said that if I'm not, then I need to change something now. I imagined my life. I am happy. I am doing something I'm passionate about. I am with the person I can't live without. That person is you. It's you, Jerry. All this time it's always been you. I looked back on my life and I thought about my future and I want a future with you. You've been the only stable thing in my life. I trust you with my life, my soul and my heart. You've been there through my panic attacks, my break downs, my break ups, my highs and my lows. Yet, even through all of that you haven't left my side. I look in your eyes and I feel truly safe and happy and loved. I want to keep dragging you around the world with me. Mr. Greyson told me to go somewhere, experience new things, and be with the person I love because I know what's going to make me happy and that's you. You're going to make me happy." I finished before dropping his hands back into his lap and taking a deep breath. He just sat there before running his fingers through his hair.

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