Escaping the Career Fair

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I spotted the young girl by the door just gawking at everything.

"A bit overwhelming huh, Leila?" I asked walking next to her.

"Yea, I just... wow. There are so many different agencies. So many different paths you can take." She said looking around

"Yup. There sure are." I said nodding.

"How do you know which one's the right one? I mean, it's just too much." She said shaking her head.

"I mean, it's a lot to take in, but you do as any good spy would do. Assess the pros and cons of each possible outcome and choose the best course of action." I said looking down at her.

"It's a good thing I have a bunch of years left here." She said slowly. "Have you figured out where you're going yet?" She asked looking up at me.

"To be completely honest. No, I haven't." I responded shaking my head.

"Well, I'm sure wherever you end up they are going to be some really lucky people. They're gonna have one of the greatest spies of our generation working for them. What an honor that's going to be. I'm honored to even be attending the same school as you, and I know a bunch of other people feel the same way. Both you and Jerry." She said smiling ecstatically at me.

"Oh sweetie the honor's all mine. Besides, we're not that great. We're just normal teenagers." I said shrugging.

"Oh I hardly doubt anyone here can be called a 'normal' teenager." She said laughing. I joined her.

"You are absolutely right." I said nodding.

"Leila!" I heard a girl voice call from somewhere. I looked over and saw a group of young girls waving her over.

"It looks like you are being summoned my little friend." I said smiling at her.

"It looks so. It was really nice talking to you again Ela." She said in her tiny, innocent voice.

"Like I said, anytime you need someone to talk to I am here. Anytime." I said before giving her a small hug.

"Later Ela." She said happily.

"Later Leila." I said before she walked to her group of friends.

I walked around looking at the different career options.

I passed the CIA booth and stopped for a little while, thinking. CIA? Been there, done that. Not really, but that's incredibly basic. Everyone wants to go to the CIA. And I know I'd be amongst the top agents there I just don't know if I'd want to work for them.

The MI6 booth had the British flag hanging proudly. MI6? Yea, after spending 24 hours in an interrogation room there I most certainly do NOT want to work there. And besides, London's way too dreary and rainy for me.

A strong Italian man sat at the CII booth he was blatantly staring at me. I looked away avoiding eye contact. CII? I love Italy, but I've already killed too many people over there. And you know, that's where the Circle's headquarters is located.

I heard the giggles and laughs of Spanish voices coming from my right and saw the CNI. My classmates were talking to the representative in fluent Spanish. I smiled. CNI? Spain was such a lovely country. It was beautiful and rustic, I could imagine my life there, but I don't think I belong there.

So where do I belong? I can't picture myself with any agency at this point knowing what I know now. I can't imagine being in those placing working for the good guys after I've been transformed into a bad guy for so long. I hunted them down and killed them. But they were corrupted. They were doing bad thing. I only killed bad people, but that doesn't make me a vigilante. That makes me a killer. I will always be a killer now. An Assassin. It will forever be in my blood. In my instincts. It's not something I can just get rid of. But that could make me a better spy.

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