Chapter 10 - Robin's Got Bird Brains

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A/N: So I don't really know my poisons and toxins. I'm trying to give the best description of the effects when I say "Poison" so that you understand the different types. Thanks for understanding

There were three men fight against one son of Batman. The odds were not in Robin's favor.

"Batboy, I asked if you needed any help. Or can you not talk because you have a bird's brain." I laughed out even more.

"Some-something is m-messing with my m-mind," Robin stammered.

I hopped off the little podium and walked next to Robin. "Yep. The poison will do that. It should wear off in about twelve hours."


"As long as you don't die because your mind played tricks on you, it will wear off in twelve hours." I patted his back. He stumbled a little. "The more you rest, the quicker it heals."

"I-I have to fight th-them."

"No, you don't! I can handle them. I'm immune to their poison if it comes to that."

"You c-can't take down n-nine guys by your-yourself."

"Nine? Bird Brain, the poison is messing with you. There's three men. Come one." I helped Robin lean against a couple of boxes. "Don't move. Stay!"

"I'm n-not a dog."

"You're a bird. So, Birdie, stay."

I walked to the three men. They stayed still the whole time Robin and I were talking. Something was definitely up.

"Why didn't you take him down when you had the chance, miss?" One man asked. From the way the other two men looked up to him, it looked like he was the leader.

"Because I don't want to fight him," I replied.

"Then why did you order us to attack him?"

"I did not! Whatever you goons think I told you to do, I wasn't the one that gave orders to you. That was someone else. Now, I want you to go down and confront yourselves to the police! They're waiting for you down below. Oh, and drop your weapons.

The men dropped their weapons and ran off. I want to say some of my magical charm helped them run off. I peered over the building to make sure the med did what I said. They did. I saw the get arrested.

"Alright Robin!" I turned back to the boxed. Robin wasn't there. "Robin!"

I saw helicopters shine a spotlight down below. I looked over the ledge I was just at. The spotlights shown on the dark red, dark yellow, dark green, and black of Robin's uniform. He went crazy! Of course he would fall off of a building! I sighed. I backed up from the ledge. Was I really going to do what I'm about to do? Yes. Yes I was. I started running. I ran straight towards the edge, then I jumped. I angled my body so that I could travel down faster Once I was close enough to Robin, I latched onto his muscular body.

"I got this," Robin grunted.

"You meant to fall off a building?" I asked.

"No, but I can catch myself. And now you." Robin tried to latch his grappling hook onto the roof. Only, his arm dropped and so did the grappling hook.

"You're still not well enough to do think like this. I've got this!"

We still had about a hundred feet until we would hit the ground. I stared at the asphalt below. Instantly, a big, green, vine sprung up. It twisted up to the two of us. I help Robin just a little tighter.

"Hang on. The landing might get rough," I warned.

Robin mumbled something but I couldn't make out what he said.

We landed on the vine with a thud. I almost dropped Robin but I caught him by his cape. We slid down the vine like it was a slide. Robin hit the ground first. I landed on his butt; I landed on my feet. I helped Robin up. A crowed had started form. Some of them gasped when they saw me.

"I come with no harm! I never have." I shouted. I looked over at the cops. "Make sure no one follows Robin or I."

I walked Robin to an alleyway. Robin was actually walking. I thought I would have to drag him. Poison Ivy's poison must not have been as strong as she thought.

"Robin, I want you to stay put. I mean it. You still need rest," I said.

He let out a weak laugh. "Yes ma'am, Doctor Poison."

I sighed at him as I walked away. I transformed back into my civilian clothes and walked back into my apartment. My mom was there.

"Mom?" I asked. "What are you doing here? You said you wouldn't be home until later."

"He's waiting in the car." My mom stepped closer to me. "I just came to check on you. I saw the news, Eva. You stopped my men! You saved Robin! You disobeyed my orders!"

"Mom, I'm sorry. I'm just. . ." my voice trailed off.

"You just what?"

"I'm just tired of being in this stupid apartment all the time! I want to go out with friends! The only time you let me go out is as Poison Oak. Your big plan today? You wanted your men to attack Robin and blame it on me!"

"I wanted Batman there, too, but he didn't show."

"I'm not done! I want to be a normal girl! I didn't ask for these stupid powers! I didn't ask for you to make me some villain! I didn't--"

My mom grabbed my wrist. She lifted me up and punched my in my stomach and kicked my wrist. I doubled over in pain after she let go of my wrist

"Maybe that will teach you a lesson to not disobey me. I won't be home for a while. Goodbye, Eva."

After my mom left I opened the window in the living room. Sure, my guts were hurting, but I wanted to leave this place.

I walked the streets with my arm around my stomach. I was walking really slow and I had a small limp. I made it to downtown. It was loud and many tourists walked the streets. What happened with Robin and Poison Oak was already spreading rapidly. You could hear it in the streets.

"Hey Eva!" someone shouted. I stopped walking and turned around. The voice belonged to Rachel.

I walked up to her. "What do you want?" I snapped.

"I just wanted you to meet our new friend."

By "our" I assumed she meant her little friend group.

Rachel turned to the side so I could see who was behind her. I made a small gasp. Olivia was hanging with Rachel's little friend group. She was smiling like she was having a lot of fun.

"Olivia?" I asked.

She wiped the smile off of her face. "Oh, hey."

"C-can we talk a-alone?"


We walked away from the rest of Olivia's group.

"Eva, I can explain," Olivia began.

"Explain what? You lied to me. You said you were with family. Now you're hanging out with other friends. It wouldn't be such a bid deal if you told me first! Heck! I wouldn't be so upset if it was a different group! It's good to make new friends. But you're hanging out with The Prissies!"

"You hung out with Rachel before! Don't you remember? She isn't bad. This is why I didn't tell you! You're getting upset!"

"I'm getting upset? Olivia, Rachel spreads rumors and gossips! That's why we left her!"

"She isn't like that! At least, not now."

"Uh huh. How long have you been hanging with her! Two weeks ago she was spreading lies about me!"

"A few weeks."

I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe--"

I was interrupted by gun shots.

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