Chapter 3 - Trouble in Paradise

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The inside of the car was nice. Leather seats, sparkling water, a good size TV, and other rich looking things.

"Gotham City Museum, Alfred." Damian said to the driver, who I presume is Alfred.

"Right away sir." Alfred replied. He was older and had a proper British accent.

The whole time my leg kept bouncing up and down. It's a nervous habit I have.

We got to the museum in about 30 minutes. It was only 10 blocks away but traffic is very busy because of school. A lot faster than taking the bus, which was my original plan.

"Thanks for driving me," I said, as politely as I could, when we pulled up to the museum.

"It was my pleasure," Alfred said.

I hopped out the car and walked in. The museum was designed to look like Ancient Greece. There was big columns and almost everything was marble. In the center was a big glass dome. You could see all three stories if you look up at the center.

I had about 30 minutes until I was supposed to be in the diamond exhibit. I decided to look around.

The first floor was based off world history from 1600 to 1850. The second floor was for world history from 1851 to present time. The third floor was about Gotham and Batman. There was also smaller exhibits scattered on every floor. The diamond would be on the third floor.

I made my way around the museum then went to the diamond exhibit around 3:55. There weren't that many people in there, which was good. The diamond I was supposed to be at was the biggest of them all and was in the center often room. So I "studied" all the other diamonds and made my way to the center.

Right when 4:00 hit, my mom came busting in.

* * *

First, every piece of glass shattered. From the display cases, to the dome. Then, alarms started to blare. The cops would be here soon.

I was supposed to stand by the diamond and act scared. I was standing by the diamond, but I wasn't acting scared. I was seriously scared. I've never seen my mom act so. . . crazy. Was this how she acted before?

I should've ran, but I didn't. Instead, I let her walk over to me. "Out of my way." She said and she pushed me, hard. I flew back and hit a wall a few feet away. I fell to the floor and hit my head. I closed my eyes and bit back tears.

I felt someone pick me up; I opened my eyes and saw Gotham City below me. That's when I realized my mother was carrying me.

We reached the warehouse in no time. There was a wooden chair in the middle of the big room. She threw me down on the chair. She used thick vines, with lots of thorns, to tie my wrists to the armrests. If I moved, then the thorns would dig into my skin.

"Don't move girl," she said sternly.

I felt like I could pass out. Dots started to form in my eyes; I closed them to try to make the dots go away.

"Release the girl." I heard someone shout. I open my eyes and see no one at first. Then I see a bat shadow falling. It was none other than Batman himself. Not far behind was Robin.

"Well if it isn't the big, bad bat." Poison Ivy said.

"What do you want Ivy?" There was a very serious, sternness tone in Batman's voice.

"Relax, I'm just came to talk," she pointed to one of the corners. The room was big enough so that if they over there, then Robin or I couldn't hear. "Shall we?"

He hesitated for a second, "What does the girl have to do with this?"

She shrugged, "Nothing. Just needed to get your attention."

What a really stupid answer.

Batman turned towards Robin, "Rob, get the girl out of here. Meet me back at the bat-mobile when you're done." He walked over to the corner where Poison Ivy was already waiting.

Robin came over to me and examined my wrists. "You're tied pretty tight. It'll be hard to cut, but it's not impossible."

"Just tell me what I need to do and I'll do it. I do not want to be here anymore."

"I need you to lift your wrist so that there is a small gap I can cut the vines from the bottom."

I knew it was going to hurt like crazy, but I did what he told me. At first it didn't hurt to badly, but then I felt the hot blood start dripping down my wrists and hands. The pain gradually grew; I bit on my lip so I wouldn't scream.

"There," he said. I pulled the vines out which almost hurt just as much. It also didn't help that the dots were growing bigger and cover most of my eyes.

I saw Poison Ivy leave, the diamond still in her hand, and Batman walking towards me. "Are you alright Miss? Nothing broken?" He asked.

I was about to talk, but I started to sway and became dizzy. My eyes closed shut and I felt someone catch me before losing all consciousness.

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