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After about two minutes of being in that dreaded place, the headache came back. (Y/n) fell backwards onto the freezing floor and clamped her hands over her eyes.

Then, she woke up back in Mike's room, safe. There were beads of sweat dripping down her face, and her hands were cold and clammy. She was taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

Looking down at the watch Mike gave her, she came to a sudden realization.

She was gone for almost thirty minutes.

When she was in the Upside Down, it only felt like two or three minutes. Time moved slower in there than in the 'overworld', as Dustin once called it.

(Y/n) bolted out of Mike's room and charged down to the basement. She sifted through the bookshelves until she found the notepad she once used to draw what she had seen.

Flipping to a new page and grabbing a pencil, (Y/n) started taking notes. Since she hadn't written in a while, her handwriting was sloppy, but readable by her.

- time moves slower
- cold. so cold
- rip got larger
- more monsters
- neighborhood is demolished
- houses gone
- big arms over city

Then, she proceeded to draw what the shadow monster looked like on the next page.

Closing her eyes and focusing on the room, she used her powers to make a box of colored pencils float towards her. She pulled out the grey and red pencils, coloring the monster's arms grey and the background red.

After finishing her drawing, she heard a knock at the door.

She crept up the stairs and to the door, peeking through the peep hole to see who was outside.

She recognized the boy as Steve "The Hair" Harrington, the jock of Hawkins High.

Well, he used to be. He graduated, and now he works at an ice cream shop in the mall that just opened.

"Nancy? Open up!" Steve yelled. (Y/n) jumped back, knocking into the coat rack. It fell over and clanged on the ground.

"Shit!" (Y/n) whisper shouted.

"Nancy! I know you're there! This is important!" Steve yelled, banging on the door.

(Y/n) knew he wouldn't go away, so she slowly opened the door.

"(Y/n)? Didn't you disappear?" Steve asked, in shock. He was wearing a blue and white uniform and holding a sailor's hat.

"Long story. Come in?" She said awkwardly. Steve gave her a look of confusion before stepping past her inside. She quickly shut the door and picked up the coat rack, adjusting the coats.

"So, what happened? Where's Nancy? What's going on here?" Steve asked, growing more and more confused by the minute.

(Y/n) sighed before taking him down to the basement. They sat across from each other, and she told him the whole story.

Her getting taken and experimented on, getting powers, the upside down, everything.

"Wow. And here I was, thinking you died or something," Steve said with an awkward laugh.

"..yeah. So, what did you need to tell Nancy?" (Y/n) asked. Her and Steve were never close, but he used to date Nancy and was always sneaking in through her window.

Usually, he asked her if he could borrow her ladder so it'd be easier. Of course, it stayed between them.

"Well, I got a new job, right? And there's this girl I work with. Her name is Robin. Anyways, I was with Dustin and he was showing me his new radio, and it picked up a signal. A weird signal. It was Russian, and it was coming from inside the mall," Steve explained.

"Russian?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yes. Robin translated it and figured out that it was coming from the mall. I wanted to ask Nancy if she wanted to help find the Russians with us," Steve said bashfully.

"Russians... the lab!" (Y/n) said, an idea popping into her head.

"Huh?" Steve asked.

"The lab. Right before I escaped, people in green uniforms started showing up and watching the tests. I never knew why," she said.

"What do you think they want?" Steve asked.

"The gate, maybe. Or the kids with powers, I don't know," she said.

"Wait, what are you doing at the Wheeler's house?" Steve asked.

"I'm staying here. My parents moved when I was gone," (Y/n) said sadly.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. I bet this whole thing is tough for you, huh," Steve said.

"Yeah. Tough," (Y/n) repeated.

"What should I do about the Russians? They're obviously up to no good and need to be stopped," Steve said.

"So does the lab. Take down the lab, take down the Russians. They're only here because of the lab," (Y/n) said.

"Yeah!" Steve exclaimed.

"The lab is trying to open the gate to the other world... and the experimented kids are just meant to protect them from the dangers of it!" (Y/n) said, putting the pieces together.

"And the Russians want the lab data!" Steve said.

"Exactly! Every time I go back to that place, the slit is open more. They must be getting closer to opening the gate," (Y/n) said.

"We need to stop them," Steve said, standing up.

"I can't," (Y/n) said.

"What? Why not? Can't you just destroy them all with a wave of your hand or something?" Steve asked.

"I have to stay here. Missing, remember?" (Y/n) said sadly.

"Oh.. yeah. That's okay! I'll form my own team. Me, Robin, and Dustin," Steve said.

"You're going to need more than that," (Y/n) said.

"Nancy probably won't team up with me... who else?" Steve asked.

"The other boys probably won't do it... Lucas has a sister," (Y/n) said with a sly smirk.

"Oh hell no."

quick a/n:

Please Stop Demanding Updates from me :/ people have been dming me or spamming my comments telling me to update when i do my Best to update as much as possible. school is starting for me soon and life has been Stressful so please be patient because i usually update either every day or every other day

anyways i hope you're enjoying the story <3

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