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Mike and (Y/n) hugged for a while, ignoring the other boys.

"What happened?" Dustin asked Will, who shrugged.

"I asked her to wait to tell me until you guys were here," Will said.

"Hey lovebirds, we have questions to ask," Lucas yelled at (Y/n) and Mike, who immediately separated.

"Fuck off Sinclair," Mike said jokingly. (Y/n) walked over to Will's bed and sat on the edge of it.

"Now, question time. Where were you?" Dustin asked.

"Hawkins lab," she replied hesitantly.

"Did they take you?" Dustin asked again. She nodded.

"Chill with the interrogations, Henderson. She just got back," Mike said.

"I want to know what happened to my friend, Mike!" Dustin yelled.

Suddenly, all four boys started fighting and yelling at each other. It gave (Y/n) a headache.

"Stop," she said quietly, holding her head in her hands. They ignored her and continued arguing, which just made her splitting headache worse.

"Will! Why didn't you ask her anything?" She overheard Lucas yell at the young boy. Then, the attention of the fight switched from Dustin and Mike to Will.

"Please... stop," (Y/n) said, once again being ignored.

The yelling got louder, making her headache worse.

She had no other choice than to end this argument her way.

"I said stop!" She yelled, standing up. The house started to shake as (Y/n) trembled with anger.

"What the hell is happening?" Dustin asked.

"I'm back now. That's all that matters. Now, stop fighting!" (Y/n) yelled. As she was yelling, things were falling off of Will's shelves.

"Calm down," Mike said, walking closer to her.

"Do not tell me to calm down, Michael. I was trapped in that hell hole for god knows how long, and the first thing my friends do is yell at each other!" (Y/n) yelled.

Things continued to fall off of Will's shelves and the house continued to shake.

"I'm out of here," Dustin said, walking towards the door. (Y/n)'s hand shot in front of her, and the door swung closed.

"No," she said before taking a deep breath and sitting back on the bed. The shaking slowed to a stop.

"What just happened?" Lucas asked, concerned. (Y/n) sighed, realizing that she let her anger get the best of her.

"I'm... sorry," she said quietly.

"Don't be. We were being dicks," Dustin said, making (Y/n) smile.

"Okay, now where were you? What happened?" Lucas asked.

"Well... I was riding my bike, and I felt weird. Watched. I heard sounds in the woods and decided to check it out, but... he got me," she trailed off.

"Who?" Will asked.

"I don't know his name. A man in a gas mask and a white coat. He took me and brought me to a big white building," she said.

"Hawkins lab," Mike said, looking at Will. A wave of guilt fell over the two boys, since they learned the lab wasn't abandoned and promptly ignored it.

"Yes. They did experiments on me. Gave me... powers?" (Y/n) said, confused. She had never told anyone this before, so it was hard to describe.

"Yeah, powers," Dustin said, comforting her.

"They also gave me this," she said, holding up her arm to reveal a tattoo on her wrist.

It was in black ink, and read '001'.

"Epic," Lucas said, earning a smack from Dustin.

"They marked us," (Y/n) said, dropping her arm back to her side.

"Us?" Will asked.

"There were more. Around twenty. Most didn't survive," she explained.

"Do you all have the same powers?" Mike asked.

"No. They get less powerful as the numbers go on," she said.

"Woah, so you're, like, an alpha," Dustin said, his eyes full of wonder. (Y/n) gave Mike a confused look.

"You're the most powerful, basically," Mike explained.

Since she was gone for months and didn't get to talk to people, she forgot most things. The only people she got to talk to were the doctors and occasionally the other patients. (Y/n) didn't talk to them.

They were all too brainwashed to talk anyway.

"I guess," she replied bashfully.

"What else can you do? Besides, well, shaking houses and shit," Dustin asked.

"I don't really know how to explain. When I get mad, things shake. I can move things with my mind. Fire sometimes comes out of my hands. There are more, but I can't think of them," she said. It was easy to tell that she was having trouble forming sentences.

"It's okay. We'll find out later," Will said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Mike internally groaned, forgetting that Will was still closer to her than him.

After all, she did go to him first.

"Why did you go to Castle Byers?" Mike blurted out, making everyone look at him.

"Oh, uh, I went to my house first. But new people were there. Mean people. I thought everyone forgot about me, so I went to a place I... knew," she said simply. Mike's face softened.

"No one forgot about you. Well, we didn't," Lucas said, earning a smile from (Y/n).

"Where will I... sleep?" She asked.

"You can stay here with me. I know my mom won't mind," Will said, earning an annoyed look from Mike.

Mike knew that she couldn't stay with him. His parents would never let a girl, besides Nancy, live with them.

Especially a girl that Mike was in love with.

"Thank you. What changed?" (Y/n) asked.

"Well, a new family moved into your house. A dude lives there. I don't really know his name, but he's an asshole. It's like... Henry or something," Lucas explained. (Y/n) scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Mullet," she replied simply.

"Mullet wearing asshole," Mike mumbled, earning a laugh from everyone.

After hours of filling in (Y/n) on new information, the boys decided it'd be best for them to go home. They would sleep over, but it was a school night.

"You can sleep on my bed. I'll take the couch," Will said, handing her one of Johnathan's t-shirts and a pair of pajama shorts.

"Thank you," she said simply, taking the clothes.

"Hey Will, I'm h- (Y/n)?" Johnathan said, walking into Will's room. He was taken aback by the girl. After all, no one had seen her in half a year.

"Hello," she said.

"Good to see you again?" Johnathan said, confused.

"I'll explain tomorrow," Will said, walking out of the room. Johnathan smiled at (Y/n) before walking out.

With a wave of her hand, the door was closed. She quickly changed and then walked over to Will's mirror.

She didn't like how different she looked.

It was like a shell of her old self.

Her hair was longer. She had dark bags under her eyes. Her skin was nearly drained of its color and her lips were dry.

She frowned and walked away from the mirror.

She didn't even recognize herself anymore.

𝐨𝐧𝐞. [𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now