Act |1| °•Party Pooping 101•°

Start from the beginning

Honey, I am so sorry but I can't go.

:::It feels like a rug is being pulled out from under me at the same time I'm being punched in the gut:::

Why not?

:::Thomas takes my hands and plants multiple kisses on the back of it:::

Craig just dropped a load on my desk involving this client our firm has been trying to land for days.

:::I snatch my hand away:::

Days? You can't be serious.
My family told us about this trip months ago.

:::He reaches for my hand again, holding it a little tighter this time:::

I know, babe. Trust me when I say I wish I could get out of this.
But Craig said this can make my career. I could make partner.

:::He beams and as much as I want to encourage him like I always do, I can't this time.
It meant a lot to me that he gets to meet my parents. It's taking another step closer to being fully committed to one another but once again, work has come first:::
:::I scoff at his words and manage to yank my hand from him a second time.
I back up as well:::

Your career. You always put effort into that. Craig should've made you partner years ago after that goddamn Christmas Party.

Dani, don't-

The amount of cocaine and sexual harassment lawsuits you had to get rid of for him was enough to make Satan look like a fucking choir boy!

Dani, don't start that shit again.

Why not? You're bailing on me. Again. 
This is the third time you've used an excuse to get out of something that involved meeting them.

What are you talking about? I've met them. They know me.

Yeah, through my stories and over the phone. That isn't the same and you know it.

:::He blows out air frustratingly and runs a hand through his lush and forever perfect hair:::

What do you want me to do?

:::I look at him like he'd grown two heads and cross my arms defensively:::

I want you to call your dirtbag boss back and tell him you'll be out of town for the next few weeks because in this day and age it's important to keep your word when promising to attend prior engagements.

Dani, I'm not doing that. You know I can't.

Actually, Thomas, you can. When something is that important to you, you make time for it. Which lately hasn't seemed to be me at all.

:::After a second, he steps forward and wipes a tear I had no idea had fallen from my cheek. He rubs my shoulders and speaks softly:::

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