1. Search & Rescue

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~My eyes have seen things yours have not.~

(Takes place in Early November 2018)

1500 Hours

"They're on our right! Move left. Left is clear!"

The five marines and army soldier ran as fast as they could down the steep hills of the woods. Things went south when they reached the solider who was alive and held captive. It was a search and rescue mission. They didn't expect things to go as planned, situations like this never go as planned. But when things would go south they always had a good signal with coms. All Dylan could hear was static and he knew that this was going to be hard. He tried to get combs back on. But he couldn't. He didn't have a good range.

They ran quickly and fired their weapons back at the rebels. The twenty-one year old hissed in pain as she fell forward. She looked down and saw blood stain on her camo leg pants. She was hurt badly, being shot wasn't new to her but it still hurt. She was already injured and disorientated from the blast before.

"Y/N get up!"

With it being the middle of the day they had little to no cover. With the help of one of her fellow marines she got up.

"Come on marine you are not dying here."

The young marine nodded and gripped her gun shooting back at them. Bullets shot passed her and her team as they came to a dead end. They looked down at the cliff and then back at each other.

They were trapped.


0400 Hours

"Apollo 2-2, spartan 0-1. Coms check."

"Spartan 0-1, this is Apollo 2-2. We'll be with you for the next six hours. Have a nice walk."

"Apollo 2-2, this is spartan 0-1. Copy."

"Radio check."




"Alright marines, let's make this easy."

"Spartan 0-1, this is Apollo 2-2. Rally point 2400 hours."

"Copy that."


0800 Hours

"Spartan 0-1, we passed Budweiser. How copy?"

"Spartan 0-1, Apollo 2-2. Good copy. Budweiser."


1100 Hours

"Apollo 2-2, Spartan 0-1, hit Miller."

"Copy that Spartan 0-1, Miller."

"Hey alright I was thinking maybe a light blue color. That'd look nice right?" Danny asked as we went up the hill. He's getting married soon and his fiancé was sending him ideas. Daniel Henderson age 27. He's been in the marines for a long time. He joined when he was eighteen right after high school. I've known Danny for about three years almost four. I joined right after high school as well. He was as at the camp when I was there for boot camp. I was introduced by my sergeant. We only spoke for a bit and then that was it. We later met again when I was put into the squad.

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