Meeting an old friend and mission with team 7

Start from the beginning

Warning for those who don't like gore, This will be a little weird

With that said she turned around and released the seal. A sudden glow surrounded the room as there was a thud heard. There on the floor was a bloodied and mangled corpse. The limbs were twisted and the body was parted into three parts. First, the head came rolling, the lifeless eyes staring straight into their weary soul's, then the torso laid there motionless and ripped in places other wounds looked carved in, Then the bottom By how the torso and the bottom part looked you could easily see that it was ripped in two. To see this you could only fear the thing that did it, which happened to be the H/c-ette standing in front of them.

It's ower now

"He gave quite the fight, I would say that if it weren't for the fact I have dealt with these kinds of things before I would have struggled more than I did. Tho it's done now" nodding the Hokage sealed the remains back into the scroll "Excellent work Y/n. Your work is greatly appreciated by the families of the lost ones and of course me. We do have another mission laying in the back if you are interested in a new one right away" The girl pondered as she thought about it "Will I be doing it at once or do I get at least the day free?" The Hokage smiled at her "A free day today can be arranged if it is needed" a cough could be heard from behind the talking duo making them turn to the sound. There stood A pale bunch of terrified people and Kakashi "Excuse me for the interruption, but I also came to inform you that Y/n did indeed pass my test so she still has the opportunity to join us in team 7." The girl raised an eyebrow and hummed again "I thought you had to get a bell to pass tho I believe this had to do with the fact that I managed to take you down and then sacrifice my victory just so they could succeed." he nodded slightly as he started to rub his head looking a little apologetic "Well you kinda disappeared before I could actually tell you that you passed" smiling she looked at the Hokage "Looks like my work is cut short, if you will allow me I would like to join them again, And if it makes you feel better I will continue to do the missions you assign to me in my free time as long as it's not a bigger mission then I will do it when I have the time." the Hokage looked slightly bummed but agreed either way "I will allow you to join them, but keep in mind we will need you"

"With all that out of the way, I believe a new is required for your team Kakashi... weary well... I will permit you to attempt a C grade task-Usually reserved for shinobi of the journeyman level... The protection of a certain individual." the air quickly changed from scared to excited as they all stared at the Hokage in surprise. "All right! Who is it? Some great lord? The Daimyo!? A Princess!?" Naruto rambled away getting more and more excited. "Compose yourself. I'll perform the introduction straightaway... Please Invite him in." The door slowly creaked open letting in the smell of alcohol. Y/n scrunched up her nose looking at her team seeing them just as disgusted as she was. "What's going on here? They look like a bunch of wet-nosed brats. Especially... the midget. He's got the face of an imbecile. It's a joke right? You kids aren't really ninja, Are you?" The H/c-ette froze slightly at the familiar voice "Haha, who'd you mean? which midget? which imbeci...?!" It looked as Naruto finally realized who he was talking about "I'll kill him" Naruto began to run at him only to be held back by Kakashi who was now standing behind him "Wrong. No killing the old man you've been signed to protect." The man at the door didn't look faced at all as he snorted "I am Ta-" before he could introduce himself he was interrupted "Tazuna, The bridge builder" a ring of "Huh!?"s could be heard in the room "Long time no see" Smiling Y/n walked out from behind her team stunning Tazuna. "Y/n?!?!" More confused huh's could be heard "Well I'll be dammed, Forget the others, old man I will be perfectly fine with just Y/n here" Shaking her head Y/n looked him straight in the eyes "I'm afraid that won't do I'm assigned to this team and will go with my team even if I want to go with you I won't leave without them" Huffing he grunted out a "Fine" as he turned around and waved at them all to follow him.

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