A few minutes later... (don't tell me that I was the only one who read that in the Spongebob narrator's voice XD)

Hearing more voices I walked out on the small stage only to see that the man had set up a piano for me to use. smiling I walked up to the stool set in front of the Piano and sat down letting my fingertips glide over the black and white keys as I let out a small sigh of satisfaction feeling the coldness of the old piano. Taking a deep breath I let my fingers continue to glide over the keys but this time also pressing down. Letting my body take control, my fingers started to play one of my people's Melodies making the now full club silent as they listened to the song playing out.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a white-haired guy with piercing red eyes staring at me with lust-filled eyes. smirking slightly at myself I turned my attention back to the piano in front of me. After the first song ended I could hear cheers ringing through the big room. nodding again I started a new song this time singing with the melodies. The cheers continued through the song breaking a bit of the magic of the music. this seemed to irritate the white-headed man. He stood up making them all quiet down but I still continued to play letting all my emotions out with the song.

After a few more songs I went for a small break and went up to the bar greeting the man that hired me for the mission. We talked for a while before I felt a tap on my shoulder. after turning I was met with the same red eyes as the teen from the crowd. Smiling politely I greeted him with a nod and a good evening. smirking he pointed at the seat next to me "You mind me sitting here" after shaking my head he took the seat. we started to small talk and I could see in the corner of my eye that the bartender was weary uncomfortable and didn't seem to like the gay. turning to him I hinted towards the door not too far away "I have a room upstairs, wanna join me?"

the white-haired male smirked in response and took my hand and began to move towards the door almost dragging me behind him if it wasn't for me trying to keep up and walk as fast as I could without running. We reached the door within only seconds. I placed my hand on the doorknob and twisted it and opened it for us to enter. I carefully dragged him towards my room for the time being and entered and closed the door behind us. fast as lightning I pinned him to the wall and leaned my head towards his neck.

Author's Pov

the male froze up as the h/c-ette's breath fanned his neck. Smirking the female placed a light kiss on his neck. The male's breath hitched and held his breath. Seeing him distracted she summoned one of her tails and transformed it into one of her blades and used it to Kutt the man in half. The male's body separated and his lower half slowly slid down the wall behind him leaving a trail of blood down the cream-colored wallpaper. Leaning back Y/n saw his terror-stricken face. His mouth and eyes were wide open as his brain tried to figure out what happened. Y/n let go of the upper part of the body letting it fall beside the other half. But it didn't end there. The lower part of the body started to move and stand up while the other half reached for the other crawling pathetically towards it. Frowning Y/n kicked the lower part of the body to the other side of the room keeping them separate.

The male groaned as his blood started to twist and turn and form into a tendril. Glaring at the h/c-ette the blood followed his gaze and went after the girl. "I didn't think you would be one of the assassins sent after me" she hummed and looked at him. "And I didn't think you would be this skilled in blood manipulation even without half of your body" Smirking she dodged the blood. It went like that for a while before she suddenly was kicked from behind sending her hurtling towards the blood. Not wasting any time the blood managed to impale her stomach. She spluttered a good amount of blood on her dress. Using her own blood, she bent it to her will and used it to slice off his head making it roll on the floor stopping only a few centimeters in front of her. The blood tendril that was impaling here went from solid to liquid and stained her dress more and leaving a gaping hole where it had been. Groaning Y/n moved her hand to hold the wound and a soft glow emitted from her hand slowly healing her and closing up the wound leaving a discolored spot on her skin.

When the wound was finished healing she collected the remaining parts of his body and sealed it in one of her scrolls and left the room she was given. Walking back to the bar she nodded at the bartender signaling that the mission was over. Surprisingly the man started crying running towards her and wrapping his arms around her and spinning her around. the others too in the bar started cheering, happy that the rouge was taken down.

Y/n pov

After the celebration ended I carefully walked out of the bar and towards my home to take a shower and sleep so I could meet with the Hokage early the next morning. Walking I could see the fireflies swarming around. Smiling I moved with them and twirled around dancing towards my house laughing unaware of the eyes looking at me. Taking a few pirouettes and jumps I continued forward. Now slowing down I reached my hand up to my gates and went in and locked the gates and door behind me. Walking in I went right to my bathroom and took a long and warm shower washing away all the dirt and blood. After stepping out I wrapped my body in a fluffy towel and stood in front of the mirror. Looking at my self I sighted and combed my hair backward with my hand and watch my body shrink to my twelve-year-old form. Loosening the tower it fell to the floor, stepping out of it I reached for my undergarments and pajamas and pulled them on. bending down I picked up the towel and folded it and laid it down on the stool beside the shower. Done with everything I managed to drag my feet to my room and fell down on my soft matres. Slowly my eyes closed and I was wrapped in comfortable darkness.

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