Bonus Chapter Three

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Leo's POV

        Leo sat on a camp half blood bus, trying not to lose his lunch. They were heading to New Rome. They had a reservation at a fancy restaurant. It sounded like the perfect date, except for one thing, Hazel Levesque. After his last encounter with the daughter of Pluto, Leo wasn't thrilled to eat dinner with her. He had a feeling this was planned by a certain son of Mars. He'd ask Piper for advice, but she was in no condition to give it. Piper had been caught in the Zeus cabin after curfew, and as punishment Jason and Piper had to spend one week apart. As a result, Piper was curled up in the seat, listening to Taylor Swift.They might have the same taste in movies, but not in music. The only reason Leo was still on this bus was the boy whose head was on his shoulder. Leo wondered how Nico could sleep through I Knew You Were Trouble on full volume. He closed his eyes. I should at least try to get some sleep. He thought, and surely but slowly drifted off to sleep.

        They bus pulled to a stop in front of the Greek hotel. It was a combination of ancient Greek and modern architecture, and Leo had a feeling a certain daughter of Athena had designed it. They got off the bus, and walked into the lobby. Piper started crying at the sight of the ceiling, which was depicting a storm complete with lightning. Jason better not break up with Piper, or we might have a full on crisis. Leo thought seeing how messed up Piper was. Rachel sat behind the front desk, looking bored

        "Since Delphi is shut down, I apparently have to make myself useful. Octavian can gut stuffed animals to his hearts content, but I'm stuck working here." Rachel said, and Leo had a feeling she had been waiting a long time to say those words. The Greeks and Romans were at peace, but there was still tension. After all, they had come close to killing each other. Rachel handed them their room keys, they were for rooms one, two,and three. I'm guessing Rachel doesn'tet much social interaction. I bet she's lonely. Leo thought, looking over at Piper. If there was one thing Piper loved as much as Jason, it was playing matchmaker.

        "Rachel, are you single?" Leo said, and then proceeded to mentally kick himself. That came out wrong. Nico grabbed onto Leo's arm, and gave Rachel his best death glare.

        "Mine." Nico said, and Rachel put her hands up. Piper looked over, and realized what Leo is implied.

        "Hey Rachel, you don't have to worry about finding love. I'll find you a special someone, after all I'm a daughter of Aphrodite." Piper says, and Rachel looks flustered.

        "I'm the oracle, I'm not supposed to date anyone..." Rachel says, but this doesn't faze Piper.

        "Come to my room at six, and I'll do your hair and make up. " Piper said, uses her charmspeak. Rachel looks like she's going to object, but instead nods her head. Leo looked down to see Nico still clutching his arm, still on attack mode. 

        "We're going to head back to our rooms." Leo said, dragging Nico to the elevator.

        "You know I wasn't flirting with her. I wanted to get rid of Piper so we could have some alone time." Leo said, his cheeks getting red.

        "I'm sorry I freaked out. I just don't want to lose you..." Nico said, his voice soft and quiet. Damnt why does he have to be so cute. Leo thought, and realized he probably should have said something. He grabbed Nico's hands.

        "You have no reason to apologize. I like how possessive you are, no one has ever really wanted me around that much." Leo said, thinking of his foster mom, Calypso, Hazel, and even Piper and Jason to a degree. Nico looked up at Leo in surprise. Leo always hid his pain with jokes and laughter. Even Nico didn't know the full extent of it yet.

        "Can I kiss you now?" Leo asked, placing his forehead on Nico's.

        "Y-you don't have to ask." Nico said, clearly flustered. Leo smirked before placing his lips on Nico's. At that second, the elevator opened.

        "Am I interrupting something?" a very annoyed Hazel said. The two boys broke apart, and walked out of the elevator. Both boys avoided looking at Hazel.

        "I wanted to make sure you guys had gotten here ok. A bus of demigods is a big target for monsters." Hazel said looking down. I guess she still cares about us. Leo thought.

        "I also wanted to apologize. Look I was wrong. Nico you're my brother and I should have supported you. Leo you're a nice guys. I let my mother get to me again, and gods I'm so sorry..." Hazel muttered, looking in the opposite direction of Nico and Leo. At the sight of Hazel all self conscious, Leo's heart melted. I want to stay pissed at her, but I don't think I've ever heard her apologize before. She seems to really mean it. Leo thought, and he looked over at Nico. Nico looked surprised, but it was quickly replace with a small smile.

        "Damnt I forgive you. I want to stay mad since you really hurt Nico so badly, but looks like that's not going to happen." Leo said, and Hazel looked so relieved.

        "This doesn't mean I'm comfortable with it thought. So  uh I would appreciate it if you would not kiss in front of me." Hazel said, and Leo sighed. Baby steps I guess. Leo thought, and was surprised when he felt Nico's lips on his cheek.

        "You're just going to have to get used to it." Nico said, and Hazel laughed awkardly.

        "See you guys at six. Me and Frank will meet you in the lobby." Hazel said, before sprinting into the elevator.

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