Bonus Chapter 1, Part One

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       Nico's POV

        Nico sat with his arms crossed in the plush theater seats. They were watching some rom-com Piper and Leo picked out. Nico wasn't amused, but last time they went to the movies Nico picked out a horror movie. He got complaints from Jason saying Piper was screaming in the middle of the night, and not in a good way. As a result, Piper got to pick the movie. Nico was surprised when his boyfriend ended up being really into it. Nico stuck his hand in the popcorn bowl, and noticed it was empty.

        "I'm gonna go get a refill." Nico said, getting up. Jason grabbed onto his sleeve.

        "Take me with you." Jason said, and Nico nodded. The two boys headed out of the theater, and into the direction of the concession stand. Jason let out a sigh.

        "Piper makes me see these movies all the time. I don't know why she likes them so much, they all are pretty much the same." Jason said, as the man behind the counter started putting butter on the popcorn. Nico just shook his head. He didn't understand why Piper liked them so much.

        "Leo said he likes them, because the main characters always get a happy ending." Nico said, and thought about what had happened between Leo and Calypso. Sometimes Nico didn't understand why Leo was with him at all. Calypso was a titan, immortal, and beautiful. Nico didn't understand why Leo would have chosen to be with him, when he could have had that. Even if she broke his heart, she was still ten times better than Nico. I should be happy he choose me, but instead I just feel insecure. Nico thought as they headed back to the theater. Suddenly, Jason ruffled Nico's hair. 

        "Trust me, I'm Leo's best friend. I have never seen him this happy before. Plus, if Leo is willing to give you swimming lessons, you must be pretty special." Jason said, winking at the end. Even though Nico appreciated what Jason was trying to say, Nico didn't think Jason knew Leo that well. Ever since he and Piper had gotten serious, Jason had spent less and less time with Leo. They got back to their seats as the two main characters got together. Piper was making those fangirling noises girls make. Nico sighed, at least the movie was almost over. As the credits rolled down the screen, Nico heard faint sobbing nearby.

        "That was so beautiful." Piper said, with tears in her eyes.

        "I know right. Girl, pass the tissues." Leo said, wiping his eyes with his hands. Nico rolled his eyes. I'm supposed to be the gay one. Nico thought, looking at his boyfriend. He had a small smile on his lips though. Jason got up, and stretched.

        "We should propably head back. We don't wanna break curfew." Jason said, and Piper nodded her head. They exited the theater, and got into the car.

        "Next time, I pick the movie." Jason said, clearly not amused. Piper giggled, and kissed his cheek.

        "Whatever you say, golden boy." Piper said, her charm speak at full power. Jason was so stunned, that they swerved off the road. They pulled to a stop, and Leo got out of the car, where he purged the contents of his stomach. Jason scratched his head.

        "Sorry guys." He said, blushing. Piper looked down at her shoes.

        "I guess I should have saved that for later." She said, blushing as well. Nico sighed. He wondered if Piper's cornucopia shot condoms too. The gods know those two need them. Nico thought seeing the way they were looking at eachother. Leo's stomach won't be able to take driving any longer like this. We should probably shadow travel. Nico thought, seeing Leo give him a thumbs up after a couple minutes of throwing up. Leo took out a pack of gum, and put a piece in his mouth. Before they got back in the car, Nico grabbed Leo's sleeve.

        "We should probably shadow travel. It will be better for you." Nico said, seeing how Jason and Piper were still flirting with each other. I guess by later she meant a couple seconds. Nico thought, as the two of them started making out in the front seat. Leo looked back, and smirked.

        "I guess mister goody two shoes doesn't care about curfew if he's getting laid." Leo said, and grabbed Nico's hand. Even though they had been dating for a couple months, Nico still wasn't used to his warm touch. A small blush formed on Nico's cheeks and he looked away.

        "Ok, here we go." Nico said, as the two were transported back to Half Blood Hill. Leo put his hands in his pockets.

        "I had fun... I guess this is where we part ways." Leo said, trying to act like this wasn't completly awkward.

        "I guess..." Nico said, trying not to sound disappointed. Leo cupped Nico's face, and brought his lips to Nico's. After a couple second, the boys broke apart.

        "That was what you wanted right?" Leo said, smiling at him. Nico nodded, but looked away. It always stops there... It's not like I'm a pervert, but isn't it normal to want to do things with the person you love. Nico thought, blushing slightly. Leo kissed Nico's forehead.

        "Good night, ghost boy." Leo said, before turning around, walking in the direction of the Hephestus Cabin. Nico reached out, and grabbed Leo's sleeve.

        "You could come back to my cabin... if you want." Nico said, his voice abnormally quiet. Leo's eyes widened.

        "I thought you didn't want to go any further." Leo said, his hand in his curly hair. Nico intertwined his fingers with Leo's.

        "I don't have a problem, just remember I'm not a God or anything..." Nico said, looking down.

        "What do the Gods have to do with anything?" Leo asked, looking Nico in the eye.

        "Well the last person you were with was a Titan, so..." Nico said looking away. Leo looked annoyed. He grabbed Nico's shoulders, and forced him to face him.

        "Look, I'm with you now aren't I? It doesn't matter who I was with in the past, because I'm with you now and I don't plan on going anywhere." Leo said, looking Nico in the eye. Nico stared at him wide eyed. I never thought of it that way. Nico thought, blushing. Leo sighed.

        "I'm sorry I got upset, if you still want we can go back to your cabin." Leo said, and Nico nodded. The two boys headed to the Hades cabin, hand in hand.

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