Chapter Five

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Leo’s POV

    Leo stood next to Nico’s bed, his knuckles white from clutching the guardrail on the side. Dammit, why was I so useless? Leo thought  his head bowed. He had tried to help Nico, but in the end he was the one who had needed saving. It frustrated Leo that he could make almost any weapon, but he couldn’t use any of them. Looking down at Nico’s pale, frail body, Leo felt his body begin to tremble. Nico had lost a lot of blood, and had been out cold for a week. Please… Just open your eyes. Leo thought, as tears started raining down his face. He heard the door opening, and quickly tried to wipe his face. Hazel walked in, her eyes cast down and her face somber.  I never thought about how this would affect Hazel. Now I feel like a real douche. Leo thought, seeing how sad she looked.  She looked up, and opened her mouth in surprize when she saw Leo’s blotchy face, and red eyes. Leo had been the member of the seven who was always laughing, and telling jokes. He never frowned, much less cried in front of the others. I should give her some time alone. Leo thought, thinking of all the visitation time he had hogged up over the week.

    “I’ll give you some time alone.” Leo said, before he walked toward the door. As Leo walked past Hazel, she reached out and grabbed his arm.

    “You know it’s not your fault that this had happened, right?” Hazel said, her brown eyes focusing intently on Leo’s. Leo shifted uncomfortably in Hazel’s grip. She’s really intense.Leo thought.

    “If you hadn’t been there Nico would be…. Anyway I hate seeing you beat yourself up like this.” Hazel said, averting her gaze. Leo just stood there with a blank look on his face.

    “I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to protect your brother.” Leo said in a low whisper. Hazel’s eyes widened in shock. There had been so much remorse in his voice.

    “You really do care about my brother. Not just in the friend way either.” Hazel concluded, her eyes narrowed.  

    “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Leo said, before getting out of her grip, and running down the hall. Leo stood outside of the infirmary, panting heavily. He looked down at his arm,and saw that Hazel had left red marks on his skin. She obviously isn’t taking it well. Leo thought, rubbing his arm. I guess she doesn’t approve of me. Leo thought thinking of how her eyes narrowed, and shivered involuntarily. Leo closed his eyes. Please save him. I don’t know what I would do without him. Leo prayed, his hands clasped together.

Nico’s POV

    Nico stood in a hotel lobby. Around him people smoked, and to his left was his sister.  They had just come to America to avoid the fighting in Europe. His mother leaned down, becoming face to face with the young Nico.

    “We’re safe now. Don’t worry.” His mother said in Italian, her eyes warm and kind. A flash of light came over them. Nico screamed as the glass rained down, and a loud rumble was heard. Bianca grabbed Nico’s hand, and they both squeezed there eyes shut. I don’t wanna die. Nico thought, and then looked up. There was a wall of darkness shielding them from the wreckage.

    “Mama!” Nico cried, seeing his mother lying on the ground motionless. The image dissolved, and Nico was in the Lotus Hotel. He was at the zombie game like he always was. For some reason he found himself drawn to the dead. He looked up from his game for a second to see a boy with dark hair and an orange T-shirt. Nico was mesmerized, and he continued to stare. The boy merely glanced over at him, and Nico felt his cheeks heat up. He’s a boy. This makes no sense. Nico thought. Nico tried, but couldn’t get that boy out of his head. The Lotus Hotel faded, and Nico was then in Westover Hall. He sat in the corner of the boys locker room, going through his mythomagic cards. Suddenly, someone grabbed his cards, and scattered them across the floor.

        “What are you gonna do about it fag?” The boy laughed, and the rest of the kids joined in. There’s no way they actually know. They call everyone that. Nico thought, even though he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He crawled over to pick up the cards, and he someone kicked him in the ribs. Nico flew against the lockers, hitting his head on the metal. Ow that really hurt… Nico thought his hand on his side. Someone grabbed him by the hair, and dragged him to the center of the gang.

“Bianca, help me!” Nico shouted, thrashing around trying to stop the boy from dragging him.

“Aw, the little boy is calling for his sissy.” someone said, and Nico was surrounded by laughter. Suddenly, the door burst open. Bianca stood in the door, her fists clenched. She grabbed the first boy, and punched him. He fell to the ground, knocked out. The other boys looked at her in surprise.

“If anyone touches my brother again, I’ll kill you.” Bianca said, her face blank, her tone cold and quiet. The boys all looked terrified, and ran out of the room. Bianca reached her hand out to Nico.

“Are you ok?” she asked, her eyes full of concern. Nico just shrugged, this kind of stuff happened all the time.

“If any one of them touches you, tell me. I’ll take care of it.” Bianca said, flexing her “muscles”. Nico managed a small smile.

“Bianca...Can you promise me something?” Nico said, making eye contact.

“Sure, what is it?” Bianca asked, a small smile on her lips.

“Will you always be here to protect me?” Nico asked, his voice as fragile as glass. Bianca pulled Nico into a hug.

“Forever and Always.” Bianca whispered, holding him tight. The image then flowed into another memory.

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