Bonus Chapter 2

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Hazel's POV

        Hazel looked in the mirror, and sighed. Seeing the purple T-shirt filled her with a bittersweet feeling. She was happy to be back in New Rome, but when she thought about why she was here it filled her with dread. Talking with Chiron had made her realize how cruel she had been. Even though she was just watching out for her brother, she ended up hurting him instead. That didn't mean she was suddenly going to start waving a rainbow flag ether. The idea of two people of the same gender together still made her uncomfortable. She wanted to apologies, but she wasn't ready to see Nico and Leo just yet.  Sometimes I wish I could use the mist on myself. Then I could see Nico with some girl. Hazel thought, knowing fooling her self would get her nowhere. She was knocked out of her thoughts by a knock on her door.

        "Hazel, I'm coming in." Frank said, as he opened the door. He had to duck in order to fit through the door way. Hazel looked up at her boyfriend, and was still surprised he was the same person from a year ago. He hadn't changed just physically, but mentally as well. Hazel thought it was about time she evolved mentally as well. Frank looked down, and began playing with his hands. Oh no, is he going to break up with me! Oh gods. Hazel thought, and she could feel diamonds begining to rise to the surface.

        "I just wanted to let you know, that Nico and Leo are coming tomorow, and I know that I'm a terrible boyfriend for not telling you sooner, but I wanted to give you time..." Frank said, speaking in rapid fire engish. The first thing Hazel felt was relief, than a sense of dread. The idea of seeing them holding hands, walking around the town, and maybe even sharing a room made Hazel feel sick to her stomach.

        "Wait, don't go!" Hazel said, as Frank turned around to leave. Frank turned around, looking surprised.

        "Aren't you mad at me?" Frank said, and Hazel wondered how he got that impression. The past months at Camp Jupiter had been great. She was away from all the half-blood hill drama, and she could focus on her legion duties. Plus she was able to spend some time by herself thinking about it, and was able to see how wrong she had been. Frank can be so dense sometimes. He aplogizes for everything. I guess it's a Canadian thing or something. Hazel thought, before shaking her head.

        "I'm not mad at you. You're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. Sometimes I think you're so good that all the girls are going to team up to steal you away." Hazel said, before standing on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek. Frank blushed.

        "I think you should apologize to Nico and Leo. I know you want to. Something like this shouldn't keep you and your brother apart. " Frank said. Hazel looked down. Some things aren't so simple. Hazel thought, thinking about what her mom used to say; You stay away from those queer kids, ya hear. They probably go straight to Tartarus were they belong, those monsters. Frank suddenly turned into multiple different things, starting with an eagle and ending with an elephant.

        " I have many different forms right? Do you love me when I look like this?" Frank said, turning into a lizard. Hazel looked down at her boyfriend. The answer was obvious.

        "Oh course, your still you Frank." Hazel said, and Frank transformed back into his Asian self.

        "So your saying that my form doesn't matter." Frank said, and Hazel nodded.

        "What if I transformed into a girl, would you still love me? I'm still me right?" Frank said. Hazel stood there thinking for a minute. I still love him when he is an elephant, so I guess I would love him no matter what he looked like... Hazel thought. Even if she did pretend Leo was someone else, he would still act like Leo. He would still be Leo, just look like girl to her. After spending a couple of minutes thinking about it, Hazel reluctantly nodded.

       "Then it shouldn't matter what your brother loves, but what person your brother loves. You lucked out in that department, we both know Leo is a great guy." Frank said, and Hazel couldn't help but agree with him. She leaped forward and hugged him.

        "Leo may be a great guy, but you're ten times better. Thanks for helping me open my eyes, I guess even a master of the mist couldn't see through her own illusion." Hazel said, and Frank hugged her back.

        "So it's ok if I set up a double date with them right?" Frank said, and Hazel proceeded to judo throw him, a skill she learned from Annabeth.

        "You did what?" Hazel said, her eyes intense.

        "You two can continue, whatever it you're doing later. Praetor you are needed in the hall." Reyna said, before shutting the door. Frank got up quickly.

        "Well duty calls. See you later!" Frank said rather quickly, before taking off down the hall. Hazel just stood there with her mouth open. What am I going to do? A double date, oh gods. Hazel thought before walking out the door towards the Pluto temple. She knew she would need her fathers guidance for this.

Burned out (A leico fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora