Chapter Four

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        Leo stomped his way through the forest, not caring that his hands were like miniature campfires. Out of all the times he could have walked in. Doesn’t he know how to knock? Leo thought, his hands getting hotter and hotter. Damit! Why can’t I ever get it right? Am I destined to be single forever? Deep down Leo knew he was overreacting, but today was the day he had met her. If I really think about it… Why would she wait for me? She’s a goddess trapped on an island, she’s probably tired of waiting. Leo had been nice enough to get her off the island, and he didn’t even get a thank you. Sometimes the Gods really suck. Leo came back to reality, when he heard a high pitch scream from somewhere within the forest. He broke out into a run in the direction it came from. He burst through the clearing to find Nico on his back, a pack of hell hounds surrounding him. Nico’s sword was out of reach, and there was a long gash from Nico’s left shoulder to the right side of his waist. Seeing Nico like this pissed him off, and Leo hurled himself at the nearest hound. His fist slammed into the Hellhound’s side, causing it to fly back with it’s fur ablaze. The hellhound yelled in agony, and the other members of the pack turned their attention to him. Shit! That wasn’t very smart. Leo thought taking off in a run. He reached into his magic tool belt, and started throwing tools at the monsters. He was too busy looking back that he wasn’t paying attention to where he was running and tripped over something, landing face first in the dirt. Despite the barrage of screwdrivers, duck tape, wrenches, and other workshop materials the monsters had caught up. They panted heavily, spraying spit all over Leo. What a nice shower. At least I’ll be clean when I die. Leo thought, wiping the drool from his face. He looked over at the thing that tripped him and saw Nico’s sword. Leo picked it up, and felt it in his hands. It’s pretty heavy, and I suck at sword fighting. Leo thought, examining the blade. The monsters were all around him now, and he tried in vain to blast them with fire. There are too many. I’m going to die here. Leo thought, while lighting up the monsters.

Nico’s POV

    Nico sat up in a daze, and turned to see Leo trying and failing to ward off a pack of hellhounds. Nico looked down, and saw the long gash down his chest. Shit! This hurts like Hades. Nico thought, as he tried to stand up. If I hadn’t been so careless, Leo wouldn’t be in this situation. Nico thought, seeing Leo struggling. Nico looked over at the right time, and made eye contact with Leo. Leo nodded slightly. What does that mean? Nico thought, a look of confusion on his face.

    “Nico!” Leo yelled, and Nico watched as his sword flew through the air.  lt landed at his feet, and Nico winced as he bent down to pick it up. Nico gripped the sword in both hands and held it over his head. Please Dad help me in this time of need. Nico prayed as he plunged the sword into the earth. A long jagged line opened up in the earth, and swallowed most of the hounds. The leftovers scattered, freaked out by Nico’s power.  Nico leaned on the sword, panting heavily. Nico heard footsteps, and looked up to see Leo running towards him. He looks pretty beaten up too. Nico thought, seeing a large chunk missing from Leo’s left thigh.

    “Are you okay?” Leo said, his voice laced with concern.

    “Why do you care? I’m surprised you aren’t making out with Piper right now.” Nico said, and hated himself for saying it. Why do I sound jealous? I don’t care. Nico thought, but deep down he knew it wasn’t true.

    “Nico that was just a misunderstanding. Piper was just comforting me because…” Leo said, but Nico didn’t want to hear it. He backed up to shadow travel like he normally did, but Nico didn’t have enough energy. He fell on his back. Leo’s concerned face was the last thing he saw before blacking out.

Burned out (A leico fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara