"i need some time"

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This chapter is dedicated to jenziexfanfics for supporting me and reading literally every chapter! She is so sweet and funny and is one of my wattpad bffs! Go follow her! 💞💞💞

Kenzie POV

Hayden drove me to the hospital and as soon as he parked, I jumped out of the car and ran towards the doors of the hospital, behind me I heard a panting Hayden.

"Mackenzie, wait, we don't even know where in that bloody big place he is!" He reasoned and I nodded before looking in front of me. Whatever Hayden was thinking, we wouldn't have had to look that long because right in front of me stood Johnny Vincent Orlando. I glared at him angrily,  trying to not let the absolute cuteness of his face distract me from the stare.

"K-kenzie?" He looked at me shocked, beside him stood a tall hazel brown eyed guy who I guessed was Isaak. 

"It's Mackenzie to you." I told him coldly, "You have some explaining to do Orlando." I snapped and his expression changed into scared as he followed me back towards the parking lot.

"Kenz- I mean Mackenzie, What the hell are you doing here?" Was the first thing he asked me and I shook me head.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? Or maybe your homeless Isaak lives right here, in hospital?" I asked him rudely and he looked at me guiltily. 

"Mackenzie i'll talk to you at home but not here!" He told me, "Get in the car and let Hayden drive you back, it's not safe here. Do you understand me?" He told me sternly and angrily.

"And what on Earth makes you think that i'll let you talk to me at home? Or if i'll even be at home huh?" I challenged him and he looked up at me alarmed.

"You mean-" he started

"Yes Johnny I won't be at home when you get back, not unless I get an explanation as to why you lied to me." I told him loosening up seeing him sad, my eyes filling.

"Kenz, it's not as bad as you think it is-" he tried again.

"Then why won't you fucking tell me?" I yelled which caused a few heads to turn towards us.

"Kenzie I can't! You won't understand anyways!" He said his eyes tearing up as well.

"Enough of this madness! I'm going to Maddie's house." I told him and turned away when he grabbed my arm and yanked me back towards him, bringing me extremely close to him so our chests were touching.

"You can't," he stated, tears still in his eyes, I could tell he was trying to bite them back, "Maddie's gone to Australia with Cam," he told me and I sighed, "Kenz we are going home right now and talking calmly there okay?" He said to me, a tear now rolling down his cheek. I couldn't see him crying anymore.....

"Fine!" I huffed and left Hayden's car to get into Johnny's reluctantly. Johnny followed and drove us back in silence. As soon as we got there he got out and unlocked to door with my key and sighed as he opened the door ready to get it from me.

Johnny POV

I opened the door and sweared at myself nonstop in my head.

Isaak was right, I should've told her beforehand.

Otherwise she wouldn't be as mad as me as she is now. 

I looked at her as she walked up to the counter and took a seat, I looked up at her and smiled weakly hoping that she'd smile back but of course- failed.

"Mackenzie, I'm so sorry, I lied. But if I told you what happened then you wouldn't let me go, worse- you could..." I started but trailed off.

"Could what?" She asked me, slowly melting. I needed her support most right now, but I couldn't- I couldn't tell her why.

"You might di-divorce me, I can't lose you Kenzie, I can't!" I told her, my eyes filling. 

"For gods sake Johnny just fucking tell me!" She yelled, I could tell that she was going to explode anytime soon.

"Fine!" I yelled back and sat down with my head in my hands. She sat down next to me and rubbed my back gently for comfort, she could tell that I wasn't in the state to fight right now. 

"Do you want some water?" She asked and I nodded. She left the room and came back with a glass of water, I took a sip and but the glass down.

"Kenzie, I love you so much, I don't  want to hurt you, that's why I never told you but now- I guess I have to..." I started, "Last year, I dated this girl... Emily. Emily Skinner. She was great, she really was, we dated for 5 months and then... then...." I closed my mouth, 

No Johnny, that's it, you can't tell her ANY more, she'll freak out and leave!

"Then what John?" She asked.

"Kenzie, I can't do this. I don't want to hurt you! I love you!" I told her.

"Johnny I love you too but I need to know what's bothering you. Trust me." She said slowly.

"She- she told me that she was p-p-pregnant. I was going to be a d-dad" I managed to say out in a whisper and I saw the shock on Kenzie's face.

"Th-then?" She stuttered. 

"Then on the day the baby was born, Emily d-d-died." I said and tears ran down my cheeks. She'd never forgive me.... 

I waited for her reaction, to what she was going to say or worse... do to herself, but she stayed quiet and looked down, she lifted her hand off my back and put it in her lap.

"You never told me...." she whispered and I sighed.

"Kenz I'm so so sorry, this is all my fault and now you're the one who's going through it. Please forgive m-" I tried but she cut me off.

"I need some time... I'm going to Annie's house. I'll be back in two days," she whispered, picked her car keys off the table and left. Left the house and left me....


Tea 🍵 

Do u think Kenzie will forgive him of not.....?

Love y'all

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