Chapter Twenty-Eight: The scolding and the "incident"

Start from the beginning

Thye all burst into fits of laughter and greeted each other happily.

"Wait wheres Dud?" Petunia asked Harry climbed away from her tight embrace. 

"He's exploring," Harry said happily and she nodded in reply.

"Cool now let's go see the headmaster cry!" Draco exclaimed and Narcissa gave him a weird look.

"Huh?" She asked looking around at Petunia looking down and the two boys cackling.

"Mom made one of my old principals cry because he was mean to me." Harry stated simply, "Now let's go." Harry exclaimed as he ran and left a stunned Narcissa and a chuckling Petunia behind.

Narcissa shot Petunia a 'you had better tell me' look as they were walking and Petunia sighed.

"When Harry wasn't playing with Dudley at recess he liked to play dress-up with the girls and one day he told Harry that he couldn't do that because he wouldn't let a 'faggot' kid be in his school." A firm line placed on both women's faces as Petunia continued, "So I went and paid him a visit, let's just say he wouldn't consider calling anyone that for as long as he lived." Petunia's eyes went a slightly darker shade as she said this. 

"Wow, that ass, I trust you dealt with him." Narcissa stated darkly.

"Oh don't you worry, I sure did," Petunia said with an evil smirk.

Once the two women reached the headmaster's office they saw Harry and Draco sitting on the steps whispering quietly to each other.

The looked to each other before smiling softly and Narcissa said, "You take Harry I take Draco, meet back in 5." 

"Deal," Petunia whispered back before clearing her throat.

Both boys looked up with a start and slightly gulped at the mischievous looks on their faces.

"Draco dear why don't you come with me for a moment," Narcissa said sweetly.

Draco once again gulped and got up, Harry, however, followed him closely.

"Not you Harry, I want to talk to you." Petunia smirked and Harry exhaled sadly and followed her.


"Now Draco," Narcissa asked, "I want details." 

"There's not much to say I feel practically normal," Draco replied casually.

 "Normal as in...." Narcissa pressed.

"I don't know what you want me to say mom." Draco said.

"Well, Harry for starters, I see the way you look at him." Narcissa smiled.

"I don't know if he is my mate or not, I mean I feel the same, a slight pull that's all." Draco said, purposely skipping out he part where they confessed they liked each other. 

"Hmmm," Narcissa contemplated, "Well I suppose that makes sense because his inheritance is a tricky one, and that's the master of death alone, maybe it will all happen after this inheritance." She thought out loud.

"Yeah, maybe." Draco smiled slightly.


As they all reconvened Narcissa and Petunia instantly went to share information.

"What did you find out?" Petunia asked.

"Draco feels the same pull as normal but I think it's because Harry's inheritance is good at hiding so I think it will happen when he gets his inheritance and his guard is down the most, they will know then," Narcissa replied.

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