The Lady Out of Time || Prologue

Start from the beginning

Staring up at the building she would be staying in, Peggy wished for just a moment that she had asked Kayla to help her lug her stuff to her room. Whatever, she thought, I'm a Schuyler sister; I can handle anything this place throws at me. With that thought in mind, she began to pull her suitcase inside.

Turns out, pulling an oversized suitcase to room 178 was harder than it looked. Peggy barely made it to the hall before having to pull her case to the side so she could rest. Seriously, couldn't the human race invent some sort of machine to carry it for her?

Peggy's breath must've been louder than she heard, because a man approached her, worry written all over his face. "Sorry to bother you, but are you alright?" The guy asked, dark eyes searching her. She didn't like that feeling, as from a young age in her previous life she had been told to keep quiet and to herself.

"Fine, I just..." The youngest Schuyler sister motioned to her suitcase. "I'm a little winded from carrying this here." The man nodded, probably having carried his own luggage to his room.

"I can help you if you want." he asks, and Peggy almost agrees with no question. The thought of having to continue pulling that suitcase down the hall is pretty terrifying, but she realizes it might be best to at least know this guy's name and make sure this hallway has his dorm. She doesn't want to befriend a stalker.

"As good as that sounds, I do want to know who my savior is." The man smiled, before offering his hand to her. Charming.

Something in Peggy's mind pointed out that this particular stance wasn't normal for someone in this century. It wasn't exactly one from her previous life, but it was reminiscent of it. True many people were adopting the fashions of her time as a major fan act for Hamilton, but sometimes she wondered...

"My name is Aaron Woods. My dorm room in 180, so I was going past here anyway." Aaron again offered her a hand, and she accepted it gratefully. Not many were willing to go out of their way to help someone like her.

Peggy led Aaron to her room, awkwardly engaging in small talk. "So, what are you majoring in?"

Aaron smiled at her, dark eyes daring her to make fun of him. "Philosophy. You?"

"Graphic design." Awkward silence commences until the duo arrives at Peggy's door. Her roommates haven't arrived yet, so she had to unlock the door for Aaron. "Thank you for helping me, by the way. That suitcase is killer to carry."

A soft smile on his face, Aaron put the handle down. "You're welcome." Just as he turned to leave, his eyes lit up and he stopped. "Hey, if you need anything my room is just across the hall." Peggy only smiled at him before he left for good.

The dorm room had two bedrooms in it, as one of the bedrooms was big enough to hold two people. Peggy chose this room, planning to share it with her best friend, Maxine Jones.

When Peggy was 14 she met Max, a bookworm unafraid to speak her mind. Max had been arguing with a teacher before class about how 'A Series of Unfortunate Events is a perfectly legitimate source for her essay on how older generations treat their descendants'. Peggy had pointed out how their teacher cutting Max off from arguing was exactly like the adults in the book series, and the two had become an unstoppable duo. According to Max, that experience solidified her dreams of becoming an investigative journalist, and so she was majoring in journalism.

In the pocket of Peggy's black skirt her phone started buzzing, signifying a cry for attention from Max.

my eyes are set on the place

how do I use that knowledge

watch out

also arm yourself with a pillow or smth

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