Chapter 12 - Believer

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Quickly getting up trying to rearrange her towel, Alexis' whole face was burning from embarrassment.

She looked up to the faces staring back at her when one of them spoke.

"I just got these wounds healed and now Alexander is going to beat the shit out of me." A blond boy said in a worried tone, dropping his head in his hands.

"Sorry, uhm...fuck." She said lowly, holding her towel tightly around her body.

"Alexis!" She heard Daniela say excitedly. "Come on I'll help you find some clothes, follow me." She grabbed her hand walking out of the room.

Before they could a voice spoke up.

"Wait! Alexis, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Kyle." A different boy said. He got up to shake her hand and his eyes sort of drifted down her body, which made Alexis roll her eyes.

She was about to reply but Dani beat her to it. "Now is not the time Kyle. She can pretend to listen to your cheap lines later, ok?" Her voice dripped in fake enthusiasm.

She then turn on her heel and as they walked away they could hear Kyle reply.

"Hey!" He shouted as they walked away. "They're not that bad." He whispered more to himself than to the girls.

Alexis heard Daniela say "whatever" in a low voice.

After many more turns and stairways, they got to what Alexis assumed was Dani's room.

As soon as they entered, the girl went into the closet in the back, grabbing some clothes.

"Here. How does this look?" She turned a cute blue shirt towards her and some leggings.
"That's great. Thanks!" As she grabbed the clothes she looked at Daniela expectantly, waiting for her to direct her to a bathroom. When she simply plopped herself onto the bed and started speaking, Alexis realized something.

They must be so used to seeing each other naked it's not even a big deal.

She wondered if with Alex it was the same.

She put the leggings on from underneath her towel, not letting go of it.

"Do you need some privacy?" Daniela asked Alexis, stopping herself mid sentence to the sight of Alexis struggling to put her clothes on.

"I'm just...not used to being naked around strangers." She explained.
"Oh ok sure, I'll be in the closet, let me know when you are done." She got up and went to her huge closet. "We are just so used to seeing each other shift it's not even a big deal anymore." She said confirming Alexis' assumption.

"Then why did that guy say Alex was going to bruise him?" She asked the other girl curiously while putting the shirt over her bra.
"Well, you're the Alpha's mate. Alpha's tend to be very possessive and Alexander is no exception." Daniela's light voice replied from the closet. "Plus when I said we I meant women."

After a few more shuffling around Alexis was dressed. "I'm done." She told the other girl.

"Wow they fit you perfectly." Dani smiled at her giving her a once over.
"Yeah, thanks again for helping me. I'll wash them and give them back, I promise." Ali said.

Dani simply waved her hand dismissively.

"Now..." Daniela grabbed her hand pulling her to the bed. "On to the good stuff." She gave Alexis a wicked smile, wiggling her eyebrows.
"You know, you sure are scaring me with this whole mating thing, Daniela." Alexis said teasingly but there was a tinge of truth to her words.

The girl just laughed.

"Don't worry I'm just teasing." She said. "And call me Dani!"
Alexis smiled, already liking this ball of energy of a person that is Daniela.

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