Part 34

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*Listen to the song if you want to

They brought some presents and foods

They brought some presents and foods

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*PD nim has a urgent problem so, he went to the hotel back

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*PD nim has a urgent problem so, he went to the hotel back

"Did anything happen before we get here??" Jin oppa asked
"K-kinda" I said
"What is that??" Yoongi oppa asked

I looked at Jungkook and he looked at me

*Its kinda funny😂

"Junghyun hyung came" Jungkook said
"WhAt??!!" They yelled

Wait, what's wrong??

"Did Junghyun really came here?? Really??!!" Hoseok oppa asked

Jungkook Pov

"Yess... He came to visit me" I said

I walked to Jin hyung and whispered to him

"He said that he will steal y/n from me" I said

His face looked shocked

"I think I know what to do" He patted my back


After thinking, I decided to call Jin hyung

"Hyung, can I speak to you??" I asked
"What for a minute" He said

I heard a door were closed and he was talking to someone

"야, Namjoon... You cant drive a van.. Just let me drive in state" Jin hyung said
"I can... Just wait for my driving skills" Namjoon hyung said proudly

And then, they bickered

"미안, Jungkook... We have some big problem here" He apology
"괜찮아... Is there okay??" I asked
"Not really... Namjoon said he wanna drive... But you know what will happen when he do it" He sighed

"What is that you wanna said??" He asked
"I am y/n boyfriend... Is it not right to love her??" I asked
"You are right to do so... But it seems like y/n didnt like it" He said

I sighed

"What should I do??" I asked
"I will think of something to make you and y/n together" He said
"Thanks, hyung" I said
"Its okay.. Got to go now.. Namjoon keep messing up" He chuckled
"네~" I said

He ended the call

End flashback

After whispered to him, I walked back to my bed

Y/n Pov

"Y/n, you should be careful" Jin oppa said
"Hyung, Im worry" Jungkook said

What did they talked about just now??

"I hope the past didnt repeat again" Jin oppa sighed

"Wait, what were you two talking about??" Jimin asked
"What was happening??" Yoongi oppa asked
"야, Jungkook... What is that??" Hoseok oppa asked
"You two are worrying me" V oppa said
"Are you okay, Jin hyung??" Namjoon oppa asked

What the fuck is actually happened??!!


Things were getting hotter♨♨

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