Part 33

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Junghyun Pov

"What are you going to do??" He glared
"Im going to.......

Steal y/n from you" I smirked

Jungkook Pov

"I know that you love her... I just wanna destroy your life" He said

"So, I dont care...." He smirked
"What did you want from me actually??" I sighed

"Since you were born, our parents only love you... They gave you everything you want, but me... They hate me.. When I were 12, I have thought... I wanna to destroy your life as you destroy my childhood" He smirked

"Do you want to die??" I asked angrily
"You better prepare yourself" He said and went out

Aishhhh... He is trouble-some

I lie down and sighed.. Im wonder if y/n has a feeling for him already.. What are he going to now?? This wasnt my plan...

Y/n Pov

I walked to Jungkook's room with two cups in my hands.. As soon as I get in, I didnt see Junghyun opppa... I only saw Jungkook lie on his bed with an arm on his forehead...

*I can imagine it

"Are you already awake??" I asked
"Hmmm" He hummed

I looked at him... His face looked pale

"Do you wanna this tea??" I asked
"Is it for Junghyun??" He asked
"He's gone... Wait, how did you know that Junghyun oppa came here??" I asked.... Weird

He's speechless

"Just my thought" He said

Then, we two went speechless

"PD-nim asnd others will come soon.. They should be here by now" I said while looking at my watch...

 They should be here by now" I said while looking at my watch

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Then, I heard some knock from the door..

"Come in" I said

I saw them get in one by one

"You are here... Why did you take such a loooooooong time to get here??" I asked

"Dont asked me, asked Namjoon hyung.. I already said to let Jin hyung drive, but he ignored it.. He said he's already know how to drive but-" Hoseok oppa said
"야!! Dont judge me by how I drive... Judge me by my cute face" He acted cutely

 Judge me by my cute face" He acted cutely

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Bluekkkkkkkkk.... I wanna throw up" V oppa pretended to throw up
"야!!!" Namjoon oppa yelled

We all laugh hardly except for Jungkoook who is still looking at me

"Did Junghyun came here??"

"You should be careful"

"Im worry"

"I hope the past didnt repeat again"


Another update!!

Thanks for 600+ readers!! I love you guys sooooooo much... Thanks for reading my story

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Stranger || JJK ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz