Chapter 60: Kabuto's Death Sentance

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Kabuto led the two brothers into the large empty room, as big as a training
field. Naruto was behind Kabuto incase he tried anything, him whistling in delight as this occurred. They were so close to completing the Gedo Statue, so close to releasing the ten tails.

And Naruto was so close to finally going to the main battlefield. To finally get involved with the war. Kurama was definitely excited about that fact. He wanted to kill and shed a ton of blood.

Obito walked to the center of the room, and with a hand sign, he summoned the Gedo Statue. He looked at it in all its Glory as all but one eye opened. Naruto looked at the statue and could sense all the beasts that was being held within it. Naruto winced and shuddered before turning to Obito, feeling his comfort flow through the seal, it relaxing him temporarily as to tell him everything was okay.

"Alright. Now, Place the two in the center of the room Kabuto." Obito spoke, leaping high and landing one of the nine fingers there were.

Kabuto did as told, and placed them there. The two brothers were held in place by Kabuto's contr over then. He got on one of the fingers and prepared, all that was left was Naruto to get on one and the ritual could begin.

Naruto looked up at Obito and leapt high, landing on a finger next to Obito, and looked at the statue. He didn't like being this close to the thing. He was always uneasy when around this statue. It always made him feel trapped, and depressed.

Soon, it will be sealed within himself with Kurama, and this thought sort of creeped Naruto out a little bit.

Naruto then activated his chakra, as did the other two, and the mouth to the statue opened, blue swarming chakra within it's mouth slowly inched towards the two brothers, and as they were surrounded, the sealing began. Red chakra was slowly leaking from their mouths and eyes, draining into the beast as an eye began to form an iris and pupil, it being white to begin with.

Naruto then began to think about what could happen of he became the jinchuriki. He heard from Obito that he would be unstoppable, and he would look drastically different.

He didn't want to look alienated, he already looked different with black eyes. He didn't want to look any worse, him feeling self conscious and all.

As Naruto was having some second thoughts, Obito looked to him with some concern and worry, he looked away, looking semi hurt Naruto eA starting to worry about his looks and powers he'll possess. He felt a little hurt, because the way he was thinking it made it all sound horrible.

Obito's consiousness entered his seal, and he dragged Naruto's there as well. Obito looked to Naruto, folding his arms as he looked at him. Kurama was also giving Naruto that same look.

"Why are you doubting everything now, when we are finally almost ready for the final phase of the war?" Obito asked quietly, walking to Naruto.

"We don't care how you look Naruto. Everything will be okay. You need to trust in yourself and us a little more." Kurama spoke. "It's not wise to have second thoughts."

Naruto looked away, gripping his arms. "I'm just....scared." he mumbled. "I mean, what will happen if I don't succeed? What happens if I lose all control over myself. How do we know I can even withstand such immense power? Won't I hear the beasts crying out for help once they are all in me?" Naruto asked. "My skin, my face, my hair, my personality. It could all change the moment I take in something so ancient and powerful." Naruto closed his eyes, shaking lightly. "what if it overpowers me?"

Obito gently held his hands and looked him in the eyes. "Naruto Uzumaki. No matter how you look, I'll always love you. You could become fat, and I wouldn't care, it would just reflect your bubbly side better, haha." Obito laughed softly before placing a hand on his cheek, rubbing his whisker marks with his thumb. "You have a will of Iron. You are the strongest man I have ever known. Don't take that lightly. I've met Madara Uchiha in the flesh." Obito stated.

"Will of Iron? Kisame was able to break it like it was a dead twig under his foot." Naruto growled softly, looking down at his arms.

Obito held Naruto's shoulders with a firm grip and eyes him.

"Naruto. That's a different situation, that would have tramatized anybody. It's completely understandable. You managed to stand up for yourself a few days ago and beheaded him. You got over it faster then most people do when things like this happen." Obito stated. "To be honest, I'd still be fucked up if something like that happened to me."

"Your just saying that to make me feel better." Naruto looked at him, huffing.

"Hey, I'm not." Obito went serious. "I'm being honest. I know you know that."

Naruto looked away and sighed. He relaxed and closed his eyes, leaning his head on Obito's, seeking something to calm his nerves. He was very nervous about the future, but then reminded himself that there wasn't one for them other then this.

It was the only way for Obito and Naruto to be together. 

Naruto exited his seal just as both bodies dropped to the floor. He looked to the statue as it's eyes opened. He growled and came completely out of the ground, and stood still waiting for Obito to activate the transformation into the ten tails.

Kabuto looked back to find Obito was gone. He frowned before looking behind him to see a wide purple glowing eye. Kabuto gasped as he was shoved to his knees by chakra weighing down on him, holding him there.

Naruto's eyes went purple, as Obito's wrists did and he hissed, making Kabuto strain his neck to glance at the boy, no longer in control. Naruto held his hand out and a glowing orange-ish yellow hand shot from his and gripped Kabuto in place. Naruto smirked more and squeezed, making Kabuto let out a groan in pain. 

"You threatened to Kill Naruto Kabuto, I can't excuse this." Obito whispered. "So he can kill you instead."

"It's n-not really h-him killing me." Kabuto hissed as he panted heavily to get any air.

"Yes....but he enjoys it. Naruto will thank me. For now. I'm controlling his emotions and actions. It takes a tole on him. But he can heal and walk it off like nothing happened. And once he is the Ten Tails Jinchuriki. He won't be able to be touched by anyone anymore but me." Obito whispered. "At this point. I could care less of the world wages war continuously. I'm not doing this war to end all wars. I'm doing I can have Naruto all to my self. You ain't never met a guy like him, never. If you had, and you fell in love with them, they would become the earth to your moon. Your air that you breath. The meaning for your own exsistance." Obito spoke.

Naruto hopped over to Kabuto, still holding him down and his other hand formed the same large clawed fist.  Except this one was forming a Rasengan.

"You are no longer needed. Fair well Kabuto. Go join your Daddy~, I bet he is dying to get his little bitch back." Obito sneered with a cackle, referring to Orochimaru of course.

Kabuto gasped, looking at Obito with fear, and it was last think he felt as the Rasengan slammed into the top of his head, rippling away skin, cracking off bone, and shredding brains, throwing blood around them and on the two other men.

Naruto eyed the dead body, and stood there, looking up at Obito with his eyes stone Cold, his seal still glowing on his skin. He walked to Obito asked kisses him, still under Obito's control.

Obito smirked possessively before releasing the control he had over his significant other. Naruto shuddered and slumped against Obito, panting as he coughed, covering his mouth as blood came up our of his lungs.

Obito held him up, as Naruto focused on regaining himself. Naruto groaned and looked down at Kabuto, his eyes showing no care. As he knew then, that the reanimated were now gone, as Kabuto was the one controlling them. Naruto looked up at Obito with a questioning look.

"Hehe, got carried away was all." Obito chuckled softly.

"No shit." Naruto huffed before standing upright on his own, looking down at his bloody hand before wiping it on his cloak, only to realize Kabuto's blood was on it, and it got his hand even more dirty.

Naruto sighed softly and took off the cloak, hopping down from the statue just before it was desummoned. He glided towards the next room, walking though to place the dirty one away, and grab a new cloak that fit. He then went to the bathroom and washed his face and hands. He looked at his reflection, his skin slightly paler then it's usual casual tanned tone, knowing it was from the seal.

"Tomorrow's the day we are finally free forever..." Naruto whispered to himself.

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