Chapter 31: Plans

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Naruto sat down with Gaara, eating high quality ramen, though, it still didn't compare to Ichiraku ramen. Boy did he love that ramen. It held a special place in his heart. He listened to Gaara's stories and nodded, along, though, his mind was more on the wandering side than it was on the focusing side. He kept wondering about Kisame, so much so, he started to look more and more down by the second, until he stared at his bowl of ramen, where he have it the most dead look possible.

"Naruto?" Gaara frowned, looking at Naruto with worry.

"Hm? Oh sorry Gaara's, I was zoned out. What were you saying?" Naruto smiled and looked up at him.

Gaara's set his bowl down and sighed looking at Naruto with worry. "I've heard things about what happened to you. I wish I didn't hear them. Are you, are you really okay Naruto?" Gaara asked.

"..." Naruto sighed and set his bowl down. "I saw him. He isn't dead Gaara. Kisame." Naruto looked up at Gaara." Nagato brought him back. "Ever sense the time h-he...uh...when he....violated me, it's been on my mind and in my head. When I saw him alive...I don't know. I shut down." Naruto sighed. "If I see I'm again, I do this know if I have the strength to regain my will." He covered his eyes as he shook. "I'm just sca-"

"Just get over it you fucking whiney ass bitch." Kurama huffed loudly.

Naruto froze and went into his seal. Naruto eyed him with a very angry look.

"What was that about!?" Naruto snapped.

"I'm only telling you be a man you ass hat." Kurama snapped, his tails flailing angrily.

"Tch, shut it you!" Naruto growled.

"That's your come back? Now I Pity you." Kurama sneered as he smirked.


"Or what? Or what Naruto? You can't get near me!" Kurama smirked, interrupting him. "What are you really. You are apart of a monster that is me. Your words don't mean anything. Hehe, you really are a fucking idiot. You are powerless against me! Really! You are!" Kurama giggled exitedly. "So take my words into account. Because unlike you. I dent this world!"

Naruto was thrusted back into reality. He looked forwards with a very hurt expression. Gaara looked at him with massive worry. Naruto looked at Gaara and covered his mouth as he stood.

"I'm leaving!" He snapped and ran out of the tent.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!? Leaving!? What do you mean!?" Gaara made a wall of sand around them both.

"GAARA LET ME GO!" Naruto snapped, his growing red. "KURAMA STOP IT!" He then snapped.

Naruto gripped his arms as his body was enveloped in red chakra Naruto growled at the burning and he fell to his knees. Gaara ran to him and he looked at the situation. He then slapped his hand to Naruto's abdomen, and flooded his own chakra into him. Naruto grunted and grabbed Gaara's arm, feeling a wave of chakra hit him hard.

"Ouch." Naruto mumbled.

"Sorry." Gaara sighed and did it again. "Knock it off." He then spoke boldly.

The red chakra then vanished and his eyes went back to blue. Naruto panted and leaned against Gaara as the wall of sand ceased to exsist. People stared at the two in question. But only two burning eyes, did Naruto feel, and immediately freak out on the inside.

Obito heard everything. His body flooded with rage. He vanished, and reappeared in his hide out. He growled dangerously and paced back and forth. Sasuke watched him, raising an eyebrow as he walked in carrying a knocked out male.

"I got the jinchuriki you asked for." Sasuke spoke. "What's with the anger Madara?"

Obito looked up at Sasuke. "Your brother is dead." He spoke to him. "And I have his eyes." He spoke. "Surgery will be in two days." He stated. "Then you can have infinite usage without damaging your eyes."

"Wait what!?" Sasuke gasped

"Pein killed him. Pein is dead. And I have my new eye." He growled and tore his orange mask off, his back turned to Sasuke as he dawned a white one. "Plans will move forward swiftly."

"..." Sasuke growled and dropped the body. "Fine." He seemed a bit on the angry side.

"Good..." Obito huffed and looked down. "I do have some business to do. But after that. We have quite the events to come." Obito chuckled evily.

"What are they?" Sasuke asked.

"I predict, about our activities with the Jinchuriki kidnappings, that a sumit will be held, where, I have no clue, but I must say, with this recent one. We shall have it. Once Zetzu gets the location, I shall declare war. And we shall rule this world." Obito turned around, his Renegan and Sharingan eye burning through the eye holes.

"That's bold." Sasuke added.

Obito held out his hand and a jar formed with Sharingan eyes. He then walked forwards and placed them carefully on a shelf. Sasuke knew they were his brother's. He only wished he would have been the one to kill him.

" Sasuke Uchiha. You have quite the future ahead of you. I will explain details later." Obito stated and walked off.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and sighed some. "This is going to create a mess..." He spoke his opinion to himself.

Obito warped out of exsistance. And then formed back in the forests surrounding the destroyed Hidden Leaf. He looked up and noticed a hawk from the Hidden Cloud, and he narrowed his eyes in expectancy. He nodded to himself before he began a search for Kisame Hoshigaki.

"Kisame..." Obito mumbled. "I am going to kill you..."

"So, you are the famed Madara I have heard about." A voice spoke from behind Obito.

Obito whipped around with a blade in hand, and his was met with another, clashing with the blade and sending Sparks into the air. Obito narrowed his eyes and he growled, not knowing who this was that was in front of him.

"I have heard a great deal about your warfare plans from my little birds." The man spoke, smirking wide like a serpent. "What would you do, if I told you, that I have a Reanimation formula that allows me to control the reanimated people fully?" They adjusted their glasses. "I can give you an army. But first. I need real people."

"Who are you exactly?" Obito spoke in Madara's voice, deep and powerful.

"My name is Kabuto."

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