Knowing all that made me understand her actions better. She had kissed him plenty of times, she had liked it, there was no reason why she wouldn't. Her head was probably battling her heart, and the thought of her holding onto me made me wonder if she was doing it because of my ancestor or because of me, plain old Harry Edward Styles, born in 1994.

She had assured me her feelings were real, there was no interference of the past in our relationship, and even though I felt naïve while doing so, I believed her. I could see it in her eyes the way they softened whenever our gazes crossed. Maybe it was stupidity, love, or perhaps a mix of both sentiments, but I had faith in us. I needed time to process things, to understand if I was willing to forgive her, but I was not ready to give up on Charlotte, not yet. 

I needed to talk to someone, to vent, to let out some of my anger and come up with a plausible plan for the next few days. I knew she needed my support, but at least my self-preservation instinct was strong enough to make me walk away, considering the amount of info I found out in one day. Niall was my first option, but I didn't want to involve him in such an intricate and dangerous plot. I needed to keep him sane and safe, as much as possible. Getting between him and Sienna was also something I wasn't willing to do, he loved her too much and I knew he'd be crushed over this entire ordeal.

Sean was the only reasonable option, even though I wasn't entirely sure I should confront him. He had been friends with Oliver for a long time and I had no idea which one of us held his loyalty. I needed explanations, I needed to vent, I needed a friend. Picking up my car keys and my jacket, I got up and left the park in haste, driving towards the gym and hoping that the ominous feeling inside my chest was just paranoia instead of a presage.


"Harry, good to see you, man." I spared Jason a tight smile, knowing he had nothing to do with my grim mood. He was just doing his job and being a nice person to the customers.

"Hey, is Sean around?" I asked, scanning the place for the bald man. Not many people were in sight, and he definitely wasn't. His absence made me wonder if he was home, watching some shitty tv programme.

"He's back there, inside his office." I nodded, squeezing his shoulder a bit and walking past him without saying a word. I wanted to ignore the feeling overpowering my mind as I crossed the gym towards the back doors, but I couldn't. I remembered Charlotte and our kiss, the way she cheered me on during my match. If I closed my eyes, I could faintly hear the noise of screams and see the way her eyes brightened when I looked into them.

My small daydream was interrupted when I found myself knocking on Sean's door, wondering what I would say to him. I hadn't thought things through, I just went with my gut.

"Come in." I opened the door carelessly, stopping in my tracks immediately once I saw Sean had company. Looking at Oliver immediately made my blood boil; if I could go back in time I'd never drive all the way to the gym just to see his stupid face.

"Harry." They said in unison, making me roll my eyes. I could see in their expressions, they knew precisely why I was there. The thought of Oliver talking to Charlie, seeing her after I left, it angered me. I knew now just how many fucked up things he did, how much his actions affected the present.

"I guess coming here was a bad idea. I'm just gonna go home." I muttered, seeing Sean's face contort in guilt. Oliver, however, seemed angry at my words, as if he had the right to judge me.

"No, you can stay. I have to meet Charlotte, anyway." He smirked a bit and I knew he was taunting me, using my jealousy as his fuel. I clenched my fist tightly, knowing that he didn't deserve my attention.

"Goodbye then." I curtly answered, seeing his blue eyes harden at my words.

"You devastated her, Harry. She deserved better than being left alone." He left before I had the chance to punch his idiotic face like I wanted. He had no right to say those words to me. I knew precisely what I was doing when I left her, but I had no other choice. I needed to breathe otherwise I felt like I would pass out and suffocate inside that room with her.

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