Chapter 2

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"Shane, you in the john?" Rick asked when he didn't get a reply after a few moments.

Shane had just given him the flowers, telling him about how everyone had pitched in and that everyone at the station was sending their love. He must have slipped into the small bathroom without Rick noticing.

He rolled his head to the side, and his eyes settled on the blue patterned vase and the flowers inside it. A frown pulled at his lips when he realized the flowers had wilted, old petals sitting on the surface on the small table. But he didn't understand how that could be right, he swore he'd only just seen Shane place them there.

He turned his head to the other side, and his lips parted in surprise when he realized that the time on the clock was frozen. He reached for the click on his finger and then yanked it off, he then pulled at the tubes in his nose as he tried to sit up, grunting softly with the effort, finding his body very weak.

After a few moments, he managed to sit up, stand up, and then he proceeded to fall to the ground in a crumpled heap. He coughed and pulled an IV from his arm.

"Nurse, help," he tried to call, but it came out choked off and weak. He tried several more times before he stood up, and on weak and shaky legs made his way into the bathroom. His throat was dry, and he was desperate for water.

He hesitated a little at the sight of himself in the mirror. He looked pale and weak, and by the quick look at his stomach, he could see he'd lost a lot of muscle tone. He turned on the tap and was relieved to see water come out of it. He immediately leaned down and began slurping at the liquid, almost groaning at how good it tasted.

He was filled with confusion as he opened the door to his hospital room and got a look at the state of the corridor. It was a complete mess, stray beds, old papers, broken glass. It quickly became apparent that there was nobody else around, nobody to help him. He began to walk slowly after looking around in shock for several moments. The lights were flickering, and he made his way to the large flashing exit sign.

He came across a phone on his way and quickly reached for it. He held it to his ear, and dialed Daryl's cell number, breathing heavily as he desperately hoped for it to ring. He got nothing, so he began to rifle through the desk it was sat on. When he found nothing, he continued.

He turned a corner and looked through a glass door. His eyes fell on the body of a woman, what was left of her. Her head was the most intact part of her, all that was left of her body was blood covered bones. She looked like she'd been eaten by a wild animal that had somehow broken into the hospital. She was the only person that he'd seen.

He quickly headed down another corridor, beginning to shake. He slowed when he saw the bullet holes that covered the walls. He was too busy looking at those, and the blood spatters to notice what lied at the end of the hallway until he heard it. The large door, with DON'T OPEN DEAD INSIDE painted on it, was rocking.

He moved a little closer and then started to breathe heavy with fear when he heard the growls coming from inside, and he spun on his heels and moved as fast as he could when long-fingered, pale hands started to push through the gaps.

He managed to find a way out of the hospital through the fire exit, and he winced as he opened the door and was met with the harsh light of the outside, along with the sound of buzzing flies.

He couldn't stop himself from crying as he walked through the parking lot, surrounded by hundreds of decaying bodies on the ground. He looked back at the hospital as he left through the entrance of the lot, and found that it was destroyed, holes in the walls and everything around broken.

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