Chapter Eighteen

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I ran faster than I knew I could to the dorms. I hoped to hell it wasn't too late. Who would have guessed that Andy was behind all this? It enraged me.

I scoured my pockets for my key and slipped it through the card reader at the door. It clicked and I ran inside to find Austin, Nick, and Johnny. I didn't think they had anything going on today. At least, I hoped. I couldn't go by myself.

"Austin!" I yelled, pounding on his door. He opened up and had a concerned expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'll explain later, just go wait by the car. I'll be back out there with Nick and Johnny," I said frantically. Austin nodded and started heading outside.

I then made my way to Nick's dorm. Even though I had the key, I knocked anyways just in case he and Johnny were...unpresentable. I was right on that one, seeing as they were both standing there with a major case of sex hair.

"Go get in the car. We're going to the police station. I'll explain on the way there, but just go," I ordered. Both of them looked confused, but followed me out to the parking lot. Nick had his keys in hand.

Austin was standing by the black vehicle waiting for us. Nick unlocked the doors and we all got inside, out of breath from running.

"This had better be pretty fucking important," Nick said exasperatedly, starting the car and stepping on the gas.

"It is. I got a phone call from Jenna just now, and evidently, Oli had no choice in what happened. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. There's this guy I know named Andy. Apparently, he's interested in me and doesn't like me and Austin together. He's a jealous little prick and was trying to get me away from Austin by forcing Oli to attack me. He would have killed Oli if he didn't obey. So anyways, as Jenna and I were talking, I hear her tell someone to wait a minute, and then Andy's voice is in the background telling her to drop the phone. The line went dead and I don't think anyone at the police station knows what's going on. We have to save her, basically," I explained.

"Shit, that's intense," Nick commented.

"Yeah, just a little," I said sarcastically.

Suddenly, the car stopped. I looked at Nick, who was banging on the steering wheel and sighing. "Out of fucking gas," he groaned.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"The police station is just around this corner. We have to walk the rest of the way."

There were unanimous sighs of frustration, but it was our only option. We all got out, leaving the car on the side of the road, and practically jogged to the police station. My muscles were clenching as the worst scenarios played in my head. What if Andy had gagged Jenna and murdered her silently? It's not like anyone else in there would hear. I kept hoping we had some time left.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, we reached the police station. The people inside seemed taken aback by our little entrance. Nonetheless, we went up to the desk and asked if Jenna was there.

"She's with a client at the moment," the lady behind the glass said.

"No, she's not. She's in there getting attacked. I was just on the phone with her," I spat.

"Sir, calm down. I assure you everything is fine."

"Okay, cool, be that way. I'm going to go save her while you sit there and be ignorant," I said angrily and gestured for Austin, Nick, and Johnny to come with me. I remembered exactly where her office was. Standing in front of the door, I could barely hear Andy's voice. I couldn't make out what he was saying. Nonetheless, I reached for the handle and tried to turn it. The door was locked.

"Oh god, it's locked. We're fucked," I panicked.

"Move, I've got it," Nick said, pulling some sort of pin from his pocket. As he knelt down to pick the lock, two police officers appeared at the end of the hallway.

"Stop right there!" One yelled. All four of us looked up in shock.

"Drop whatever you have, put your hands where I can see them," the other officer commanded. I obeyed, but I wasn't going down without a fight.

"Do you realize that Jenna is in there being attacked? Possibly even murdered?" I reasoned.

"And how would you know?" An officer asked.

"I was just on the phone with her," I growled. "I heard it."

"Well, then let's take a look here, shall we?" The officer said tauntingly. I just wanted to punch him. Even the law enforcement didn't realize how important this was. He pulled out a set of keys and put one into the lock. I held my breath as he turned the handle, praying we weren't too late.

But my false faith didn't do any good. Jenna was curled up on the floor, a piece of duct tape over her mouth, lying in a pool of her own blood. Andy was sitting in the desk chair with his feet propped up, acting like he didn't just murder someone. He had a bloodstained knife in his hand.

"Nice of you to join us, gentlemen," he said in his overly-convincing voice.

"Drop the knife, put your hands in the air. You're under arrest," one of the men ordered as he went over to handcuff Andy. I couldn't even look anymore. I had to leave.

I ran out of the station, sitting on the bench outside and bawling. Austin followed close behind me.

"Hey, don't cry. Please don't cry," he pleaded as he sat next to me.

"Austin, we were too late. We could have saved her. It's my fault we're in this mess, anyways," I sobbed. He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"None of this was your fault. I mean it. You were doing nothing wrong, and these douches decided to fuck everything up. You had nothing to do with it," Austin assured me.

"But I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. I could have just kept to my devices and did what I was told."

"Don't fucking talk like that. Staying quiet was the last thing you should have done. You couldn't just sit back and let Oli scare the living daylights out of you for the rest of your life. That's stupid."

"I guess...," I mumbled.

"Just trust me, everything will be okay soon. They got Andy, they'll get Oli, and we'll have each other for the rest of forever," he reasoned.

"Thank you for being there for me through all this shit."

"You're welcome, Alan," he smiled, kissing me lightly.

"I love you," I whispered against his lips.

"I love you, too."

I just want to thank you guys SO much for all the positive feedback and votes. I've almost hit 1k reads, and even though that's not a lot on Wattpad, it means the world to me. I never expected my ratchet fanfic to get this much attention. So thanks to all my amazing commenters and voters and readers, you make me so incredibly happy.

~Emylee (:

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