Chapter Six

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"What the hell?!" Was the first thing I heard when I woke up. Ah, there it was. Sober Austin regretting his snuggles.

"Why the hell am I in bed with you? Oh my god, did we do anything last night? Fuck, I'm gonna throw up FUCKING HANGOVER," and he was out the door, running to the bathroom. The sucky thing about freshman dorms was that we didn't have our own bathrooms. There was one in the entire hallway, which was at the end of the hall and only had one toilet, one sink, and one shower for everyone in the vacinity. It was one of the reasons I wanted to hurry up and find my own place. The other reason was...well, anyone could probably guess.

I decided to go down to the bathroom and see if he was okay. It was practically my fault he was hung over because I was the one who told him about the party. So I threw on some jeans and a t-shirt and made my way down to the end of the hall.

I could hear Austin inside throwing up his internal organs. It sounded pretty bad. Walking in, I saw he didn't even bother to close the stall. He was just there.

"You okay?" I asked.

"What does it look like?" He yelled sarcastically. Yep, he was back to normal.

"Well, it kinda looks like you're hung over," I said with a chuckle.

"Oh, shut the fuck up. What even happened last night?"

This was going to be fun; explaining everything he did last night. "Well, I distinctly remember you saying you loved me a lot, and that you wanted to run away with me and live together and kiss me all day, and then you did kiss me and it was actually quite enjoyable."

"You're making this all up. You were drunk, too, and you just want to make me mad," he accused.

"If I was drunk last night, wouldn't I be hung over, too?" I made a point.

"Touché. But I still think you're making it up."

"I'm not. Every single word of this is true. Oh, and you wanted to have sex but I told you no and you got really pouty, and you wouldn't go to sleep until I let you in my bed," I laughed at the memories.

"You're a goddamned liar," he choked in between rounds of vomit.

"You can't make that shit up, Austin. Plus, you kissed some Mexican guy's boyfriend and that tiny little Hispanic thing smacked the shit out of you. It was pretty funny," I laughed even harder. If only it had been that funny last night.

"God, is that why my cheek hurts?" He took a moment to rub his face.

"Probably. Unless it's because you kissed me way too hard," I smirked.

"Gingy, you're cute, but I will come over there and punch you," he threatened.

"You wouldn't punch me. Remember last night you said you would never hurt your Ginger Prince?" I mocked.

"Oh god, did I say that?"


He went for another round of vomit before speaking again.

"Did I really admit all that?" He questioned with a look of confusion on his face. "Admit." That was the key word.

" said 'admit.' That means you actually feel that way and you're keeping it a secret," I pointed out. He looked extremely flustered at the comment.

"You know what, forget about it. I didn't say anything. I was drunk. As long as we didn't do anything last night, I think we can let it slide," he said nervously.

I decided to screw with his head a little bit. "But Austin, how do you know we didn't do anything?"

He looked back at me kind of evilly. "What are you trying to imply?"

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