Chapter Twelve

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The daylight stung my eyes as I opened them. Where was I? I didn't have anymore time to think about it as the sick feeling overtook me. I had no idea where the bathroom was, either. The first thing I spotted was the kitchen trash can, so I ran straight to it and threw up twice my body weight. The only downside of getting drunk; hangover.

"Shit, man, you couldn't make it to the toilet?" Adam asked sleepily.

"I didn't know where the goddamn bathroom wa—" vomit. "I just saw this and went running."

"Well, at least it wasn't on the carpet or some shit," he sighed, and then it was his turn to panic and find somewhere to throw up. It was his house, though, so he obviously knew where the bathroom was.

Nick and Johnny fell asleep on the couch while they were all over each other, Dan was curled up in the corner for whatever reason, and Lloyd was on the floor in front of the couch. I barely even remembered what had happened the previous night. I remembered alcohol and Metallica; that was about it.

Adam returned from the bathroom looking rough. "Gotta love the good stuff."

Dan was the next to wake up and run to the bathroom. It was then that I had two realizations; I had class and needed to be on campus, but Nick and Johnny were my ride back. It didn't help that they would wake up hung over, either. I contemplated driving back myself, but they would kill me and I didn't have my license with me. I was basically fucked.

I wondered if any of the other guys would mind driving me back, but then remembered the hangover dilemma. And I absolutely was not walking. Not in my condition. I decided I would just take the day off and relax for a while. I needed it, anyways.

I sat down on the empty couch space that wasn't occupied by Nick and Johnny. They honestly made me jealous. It reminded me of what I had with Austin during those three short days. I soon was flooded with thoughts of him and Oli and what happened yesterday. "I don't have feelings for him anymore," he told me. "He's just an ex," he told me. He was full of shit. I couldn't believe it.

I wished the alcohol would have lasted forever so I didn't have to think about Austin ever again. It was too overwhelming. How was I even so emotional anyways? It hadn't even been a week and I already felt like I had lost the love of my life. I knew that Austin didn't own that title, though. He obviously didn't give a damn about me anymore.

I sighed and held back the waterworks as best I could. Part of me wanted to just go back to him and not care about what Oli said. Part of me longed for him more than anything and was willing to risk my own life for him. But on the other hand, my head was telling me that he couldn't care less about me and just to leave him alone. It was a vicious argument between two parts of me that couldn't be resolved.

Nick shifted a little underneath Johnny and opened his eyes. "Get off me fuckface," he whined sleepily. "I'm gonna puke on you."

Johnny instantly got the message as he rolled off of Nick...and straight onto the floor where Lloyd was. Lloyd grunted as Johnny landed on him. I wasn't expecting a pretty sight by any means. Nick made his way to the bathroom and I still just sat, contemplating my own death. I was thinking of so many things at once; it felt like it was literally killing me.

Lloyd and Johnny were eventually half-wrestling on the floor. "You fell on me, asshole," Lloyd said agitatedly.

"You were the dumbass who decided to sleep on the floor," Johnny retorted.

"You were the dumbass who landed on me."

"You're both dumbasses!" Adam yelled from the kitchen.

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