Chapter Nine

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It was around lunchtime and I was alone for the time being. Austin had class but I didn't. With that, I decided to just walk around for a while. There was a lot more to the campus than what I had seen and I wanted to see it.

I came across a building with a huge cross mounted to the front. A church? The sign read "McGaw Chapel." It was a nice-looking building, but I felt as if I'd burst into flames if I stood there any longer. So I kept walking.

A little later, I got a glimpse of the other side of the Humanities building and almost fell over. From the side I usually saw, it was just a building with an arched hallway in the middle. From the other side, it was a fucking castle and I wasn't sure how that even worked. There really was more to this than I had seen, and I had walked right past it multiple times!

As I walked some more, I saw an intimidatingly familiar face coming my way. It was Oli. Something about him just wasn't too friendly and I didn't want to stick around too long, so I quickly took a left before we could establish eye contact.

"Alan, wait up!" He called. I sighed in defeat as I turned around.

"What?" I asked aggravatedly.

"Come with me," he said. Nothing about that sounded appealing.

"I can't. I really have to get going," I lied.

"I said come on," his tone was a little harsher that time.

"And I said I have to go," I retorted. He wasn't having it. In one swift moment, he punched me in the face and ordered me to come with him. I had no other choice but to obey. He took me into some woods by one of the buildings where no one could see. There were no witnesses. Oh god, he was going to kill me. I could feel it coming.

"Now listen here," he sneered in that preppy little accent of his. "I don't know what's up with you and Austin, but it ends now. He was mine long before he was ever yours. I don't want you near him ever again, got it?"

"Um...that's going to be a little difficult, seeing as we're roommates and all," I pointed out.

"I don't care. Get a different fucking room, because if I so much as see you look his way again, you're dead," he threatened.

"Don't you think that's a little much?" I asked.

"No, because Austin is mine and I'd like it to stay that way."

"Well, newsflash, there's nothing between Austin and I. We're strictly friends so go ahead and take him. I don't care." Okay, maybe that was a little bit of a lie, but I couldn't stand the thought of being away from Austin. I wanted Oli out of the picture.

"Maybe not yet, but I know how this works. You get closer and closer," he made motions with his hands, "and then you fall in love, causing me to be completely erased. I'm not stupid."

"Look, I'm sorry about your issues, but if you two aren't together then obviously something didn't work out. That's just the way it works."

"Shut up!" He yelled. "What happened in the past doesn't matter anymore! Right now, he is mine, and it's going to stay that way!"

"What the fuck ever," I muttered and started to walk off. Oli grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"One word about this to Austin, and you'll never see the light of day again," he growled. I just rolled my eyes and continued walking, to which he started spewing out threats and curses. I was afraid on the inside, though. If he was insane enough to do what he just did, he would probably be capable of murder. I decided to keep my mouth shut for the time being.

I looked at my watch and saw that Austin was supposed to get out of class in a few minutes. Instead of going to the dorm to wait for him like I was going to, I started walking to the main office building. I couldn't believe I was going to do it; I was getting a different dorm.

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