Maedhros blinked and shook himself. "Kano? What's wrong?" He asked.

Thankfully Maglor did not have to move for anything at all. His stomach growled causing Maedhros to chuckle and said, "Alright. I'll get you some food,"

Maglor glared at him slightly when he laughed but settled back. He looked down and sighed deeply. He waited a few minutes before Maedhros came back with a healer who held a tray. Maglor looked up and spoke more silent words. He frowned and shook his head.

"Easy there, Kano. She just wants to change your bandages and she said that if you eat anything it should be very light. Mostly liquids but if you do want anything solid it should be some bread." Maedhros said.

Maglor gave a small nod and stayed still as the healer undid the bandages gently and started to clean the wounds again. Maglor let out a sharp breath of pain.

"Sorry. It will sting a bit," she said as she cleaned the wounds. He nodded a bit and shut his eyes tightly as she cleaned the wounds again and changed his bandages.

"There. Done," She said. Maglor opened his eyes and looked down.

Maedhros sat down beside him and said, "Someone will be in here with fresh soup for you. In the meantime, I do have this for you."

Maglor looked and saw him holding a bit of bread. Maglor took it and nibbled at it. The two sat in silence and Maglor hated it. He wanted to hear something. Anything.

He tapped Maedhros on the shoulder and looked at him. "Yeah?" He asked.

Maglor opened his mouth but closed it. He sighed and just shook his head. I want to talk. He thought. I want to be able to say something...I don't want to just sit here alone and listen to the silence.

"I'm sor-" began Maedhros but the door flew open and in came Amras, Amrod, Celegorm, Caranthir, and Curufin.

"Enwina Háno!" Shouted Amrod and Amras which meant old brother which is what they called any of their older brothers when they were worried about them.

"Easy. All of you," Maedhros said standing up. "He needs his rest and the healers said that he should not a have so many things piled on him."

Maglor shook his head and tried to get their attention. Yet, without being able to speak he could not do much. Yet, what he did do was he hurled his half-eaten bit of bread at the back of Maedhros's head. Which did cause him to stop and slowly turned around and he stared at him and blinked slowly.

The twins and Celegorm burst out laughing seeing Maedhros's face. However, the oldest son of Feanor just took a breath and asked, "Yes?"

Maglor shook his head and pointed to them.

"You want us to leave?" Asked Amrod.

"Or more food to throw at Maedhros?" Said Celegorm in between fits of giggles.

Maglor just shook his head very firmly. Caranthir sighed and walked over and pulled out a notebook that had a quill and small jar of ink attached to the cover. Maglor looked down at it and back up at him. "Can't talk but you can write down what you want to say." He said simply.

Maglor gave a nod of thanks to him and quickly wrote down on than paper, 'No. I want them to stay here.'

Maedhos looked at it and gave a small nod, "Alright."

"That was a clever idea," Curufin stated simply.

"He made it himself," Amrod said.

He was up all night working on it," Amras added. Caranthir's face went a little red from embressment. "Shut up!" He snapped at the twins.

Maglor just smiled and wipped away his tears and wrote down something special for just Caranthir. He showed it to his brother and Caranthir looked at it and back at him. He just gave a little nod and shoved his hands into his pockets. Maglor went to the next page settled back.

Maedhros looked at all his brothers and said, "Okay. If all of you are going to be in here I have to talk with our uncle."

His brothers just nodded and they found spots for themselves around Maglor as he left. His remaining brother watched as Maglor wrote down, 'I do not care if you do not talk to me. I just can't bare listening to the silence.'

His brothers all shared a quick look before Curufin started off telling Maglor all about what he was working on. Maglor just settled back and listened to him. The twins eventually interrupted him and started telling Maglor about a waterfall they found. It was then a back and forth between Curufin and the twins that soon became an argument.

"Want me to kick them out?" Celegorm asked looking at Maglor who just gave a small shake of his head. As the three argued Maglor wrote down 'what about you two? I want to hear what you two have been doing.'

"You''re not mad at us?" Celegorm asked. "After all we didn't-" Yet he stopped short as Maglor held up his hand and shook his head. He then just pointed to what he wrote before.

Celegorm gave a small nod and started to tell him about his hunting missions and such. Maglor just smiled as he listened to his brothers. When the elf came with food Curufin was able to finally continues about what he was working on. Maglor just smiled as he ate and listened to his brothers.

Maglor blinked a little and slowly closed his eyes as his brothers voice just became a gentle white noise then everything faded into a light sleep.

A broken Voice - A Silmarillion FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now