Chapter 24: Chad Davis

Start from the beginning

"That's manipulative. I don't wanna talk about it." Dad looked down at Harley.

"Are they coming back? The aliens?"

"Maybe I don't know? Can you stop!? Remember when I told you I have an anxiety issue?" He reminded him.

"Does this subject make you edgey?"

"Yeah a little bit. Can I just catch my breath for a second?" Dad took a deep breath, he started to shake a little. My eyes widened.

"Harley, plea-." He cut me off again. Jeez kid!

"D-do you need a plastic bag?" Harley continued.


Do you have medication?"

"Nope." Dad replied breathlessly.

"Do you need to be on it."


"Do you have PTSD?"

"I don't think so."

"Do you want me to stop? I can stop if I'm freaking you-."

"Harley!" I exclaimed. He looked up at me quickly. I looked over to Dad. He was breathing heavily. Harley looked back to Dad.

"Remember when I told you to stop doing that? I swear, you're going to freak me out!" Dad panicked slightly as his eyes widened. His chest moving quickly. He stood up and walked away. "Aw, you did it now! You happy now!?"

"What did I do?!" Harley called after him. I ran after Dad. He was running away. "What did I say!? Hey wait up!"

"Dad. It's okay, stop." I caught up to him. He fell onto the ground. He sat up against the wall. I kneeled beside him. I grabbed some snow and patted his head. He always gets really hot when he as an attack. He took his his coat and threw it to the side. He closed his eyes for a moment.

"What the hell was that?" Harley asked cluelessly. Dad's breath went back to normal and sighed out. He grabbed some snow at threw it at Harley. Harley flinched back from the cold.

"Your fault." Dad stated. He pointed up at him. "You spazzed me out." Harley tried not to laugh. I smiled softly. I looked up at the boy.

"They guy who died, relatives? Mom? Mrs.Davis? Where is she?" I questioned Harley. Harley looked at the small town.

"Where she always is." He stated. Dad and I looked up at him.

"Now you're being helpful." Dad told him. He put on his hat and stood up. I grabbed his coat and handed it to him.


Dad and I walked towards the bar Harley told us about. We kept our heads down, not wanting to bring attention to ourselves. We were doing alright until Dad had to bump into a woman.

"Sorry." Dad apologized and picked up something off the ground. "Hey lady. This-." He looked up at her.

"Thank you." She thanked him as she took the object. She had a scar on her face and Dad just had to stare.

"...nice haircut, suits you." Dad complimented her. I looked away as I almost laughed. She smiled at him.

"Nice watch." She complimented back. The Dora watch sticking out of his sleeve. I bit my lip.

"Thanks, limited edition." Dad smiled at the woman.

"I don't doubt it." She smirked at Dad. I narrowed my eyes slightly in suspicion. "Well, you two have a good evening." She walked away. I furrowed my eyebrows as we walked towards the door. I gotta stop thinking everyone's bad! I have really bad trust issues... I looked back and watched the woman walk away. I shrugged and walked into the bar with Dad.

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