Chapter 25- Katsuki's Promise

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"I'm glad you like having visitors because I brought quite a few." He fully opened the door to reveal your class walking into the room, filling every empty space around you. Your mouth dropped seeing the nineteen students looking at you in awe and concern. You didn't see any hate in their eyes at all.

"E-everyone?" You locked eyes with Katsuki who gave you a small easy smile, the blond making his way over to you.

"Move it losers!" He said as he walked through the crowd to sit in the chair he sat in yesterday.

"Aizawa Sensei told us what happened...we wanted to say thank you." Todoroki spoke up, his single bright eye sparkling and a gentle expression on his warm face. You looked over at the half and half boy with a sense of ease filling your heart.

Todoroki...who used to have such distaste for me...he's smiling...

" guys don't blame me...for turning in Hagakure?" Katsuki's heart clenched when he saw you looking at Shoto, the icyhot boy returning the expression. Bakugo was no idiot... he saw the way Shoto was looking at you...

It wasn't far off from the way Katsuki glanced at you himself.

"Of course not. None of us realized what her true intentions were...the fact she was your friend and you still noticed and did what was right for all of us makes us happy to have you as our friend..." Todoroki placed his right hand on yours, Katsuki nearly having a stroke keeping himself tame.

"...I'm glad you're here...I'm proud of you." You bit your lip trying to keep it from wavering, Izuku noticing the dark look on Katsuki's face. Katsuki may not have found the words he wanted to say but Todoroki said it for him.

That fucking Icyhot...I can't take this from her but I just want to fucking hit him...

"Hey um...(y/n) I have a question..." Ochaco's voice rang out from the crowd. Katsuki stealthily snaked his hand over yours, weaving your fingers together. The expression made you blush and caused your heart to soar.


"Um..." Her expression was low...almost, nervous. "What...are you...? How did you know who Hagakure was?" The room was silent, everyone looking at you. Only a select few knew who you were. Katsuki, Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and of course your sensei...but did you really want your class to know who you were? After you tried so hard to become the hero they were seeing now?

You didn't know what to do, but Katsuki's hand tightened around yours and suddenly you remembered that no matter what, it was Katsuki that was there to support you.

He was the one who pushed you to stay on his path, the one who talked you down after you spoke to All Might the first time, the one who was there to air your grievances about Stain. He never wavered when it came to you, and you learned from him how important honesty was. You needed to majorly thank your boyfriend when you eventually get out of the hospital.

"When I was transferred here, it was to investigate the USJ incident. The staff discovered that there was someone working with the League of Villains...and I was hired to be the person to protect the students and figure out what was happening from the inside. I'm what they call a hero mercenary, a person with the skillset of a hero but without the rules and regulations they follow. The downside of this is...I lived a very illegal life. Principal Nezu allowed me to stay here and be a normal student so I could one day be a real hero. I've been doing research and discovered Hagakure had some suspicious activity. She confronted me herself and the rest is history."

" like the mercenary stuff like that sounds so cool?!" Kaminari responded quickly. The boys didn't seem affected by this news but the girls like Mina, Momo, and Ochaco especially seemed really upset about Hagakure. You felt the disappointment in your gut too...but it was replaced by anger. She put the people you loved most into danger without a care in the world, that type of sin could never be forgiven.

Protecting You (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora