Rap battle!

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I like this rap battle and I feel like I'd said this to the Drarry storys. So Drarry it is And Yandere Draco seeing as it's my most popular. And my fake name is Isabella

"NOPE NOPE NOPEY NOPE NOPE!" Yelled out Isabella as she walked out of her room. "What's wrong?" Asked Draco as he followed Isabella to the other side of the room. "Look, I'm a writer ok? I make a bunch of other stories. And plus I trying to come up with my own original ideas! But everyone wants you and more Drarry instead of my content! I can't do it anymore." "Giving up so soon? There's so many-" Isabella cuts him off and says "I don't wanna hear it you little psycho! 'Make a DracoXHermione, kill off the dark Lord next!' I'm done I have stories and videos to make, I can't spend any more time on this!" As she goes to walk away Draco scoffs and says "Weakling." She stops and looks back. "What did you say?" As Isabella walks back Draco crosses his arms and looks at her. "I said your weak you have a gold mind in your hands and you refuse to do more? How selfish and pathetic are you?" Isabella laughs and shakes her head. "Oh oh no no no no, your  NOT going pull that bullshit on me Draco do NOT make me delete you." He walks and looks her in the eye. "I'd like to see you try."
Harry comes out and yells "THE FINAL BATTLE! Draco malfoy! Vs Isabella Laws. BEGAN." After he moves Draco starts

"No one cares about your content, all they want to see is me
Destroying all of my competition with rhythm and poetry
My fame is international, I'm both hated and loved
You chain yourself to a desk and creates crap no one knows of!
"Queen of Dragons"? Please, that story's a fading fad
I can't even count the errors and mistakes that story had!
You'll never make it big, you can't even perfect your own games
When you fade to nothing people will still be screaming MY name

Isabella looked him in they eye with a scary look.

"My stories aren't perfect, I get reminded of that everyday
But atleast I have the brains and the metaphorical balls to say that;
Atleast I can speak my fucking mind, unlike you!
Because no matter who you kill and no matter who you sway
Harry will never truly love you, 'cuz you'll never truly say
"Hi! My name's Draco, would you like to be my friend?"
If you'd stop fucking around, maybe you'd get your happy end!"

Draco's face turned red as he thought it was really that easy? But will not be defeated.

"Don't bring Senpai into this, I know exactly what I'm doing
The world isn't even ready for the trouble I'll be brewing
In the meantime, the world will forget about you. Tragedy
Because you won't listen to what your fans want: that's ME!"

As Isabella walked to him he walked back and she began again

"You're not the only the only stories I make, I make ones about Gods and kings
I make a bunch of different stories; some of which you have never seen!
You're not special. You're an 18-year old heartless broken doll
Who has a big reputation, but a brain super small."

As she gets done with that verse Draco begins laughing "What-What the Fuck are you laughing at bitch?!" Isabella says confused.
"That's the best you've got?" "What the fuck do you mean?"
He walks up with a smirk. "Those verses were weak and your not proving anything." She rubs her head and says "This battle isn't proving anything it's about shutting you the Fuck up." Draco smiles and says "Your doing a terrible job, and you expect people's root for you,
Please." Isabella eyes turn red and she looks up "Alright little boy, gloves off, bring up the tempo." The song speaks up and Isabella takes a mic. "Huh?! Alright faster it is then-" Isabella laughs "Oh no you little shit, your not getting a turn. No mercy-" Draco looks confused "WHAT THATS NOT FAIR-" "Tough shit Malfoy, your not facing a Hogwarts facing another student who pisses you off or some crap like that your in my world now where IM the rap battle master and I control who holds the mic."
Harry comes back to say "Execution began."

I'll burn your soul down to cinder for wasting my FUCKING time!
I'm not afraid to kick your ass, I've got nothing here to lose!
May you remember never to ignite a short Isabella Laws fuse!
You say Harry will complete you? Nothing will fix your broken soul!
'Specially if you think torture and homicide's love toll!
Your mother should've swallowed and your 'empty' kind shouldn't breed!
There's enough murder in the world, we're not looking to fill a need!
When I said your brain was small, I meant it
Did you ever think that Harry would love you if you spoke up instead of being a fucking brat. Who has a hard-on for the screams of her classmates and stalks a guy?!
You say no one care's about me, but at least I'm not living a lie!
I'm a single 25 who has to struggle through her life
Who makes story's and CD's of romance
I'll never get alive!
Begging folks to read my shit is not something I'm proud to do
But if I stopped making stories YOU'D HAVE SOME CRAPPY ONES WOULDN'T  YOU?!
The reason people listen up is 'cuz writers slaves to please them and they cannot get enough!
So when you bounce around my stories, I might as well be your master!
If I didn't care about being dumb I'd make more chaps! Make 'em faster!
All your story, the beats and verbal beat-down people hear
You're the face, but behind the scenes I'm the one people should fear!
Take a bow Draco, your rap career is OVER
You're through!

She walked out of the door Draco pouting as harry hugged him. "Don't worry she'll make another one!"

This was fun!

1060 words

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