Fluffy stuff :3 1/2

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Draco woke up in the cold dungeon dormitory. He couldn't sleep the time was 3:00 pm out of hope to get more sleep he walked around and try to get sleepy enough to get more than 3 hours of sleep to start his day.
You think the pure blood Draco Malfoy has the best home life with a mother and father.


His father puts pressure on him to "be a Malfoy" as he calls it. In reality it's just getting in trouble if one little thing goes wrong of course he has scars to prove it.
Once he wanted just to have a nice event with his father and learned quickly why that was NEVER going to happen.


"Dad it's just for 5 minutes please!" He was begging his father to get off the floo call and pay him more attention.
"Thank you for you time good sir" his father had FINALLY hung up to listen to his son wanting his attention. His father had walked over to his desk on the other side of the room and tossed a vase at his 6 year old son
"That was a EXTREMELY important call! I need just a few minutes of silence to get it done"
At this point Draco had glass, blood and his tears mixing together on the floor.
After a few more things where thrown along with insults he kicked his child into the hall.
"DRACO!" Luckily his mother was passing by and heard the sounds she took him to the hospital and then carried him to his room. Thinking on the way.
"There is no reason at all for a 6 year old to had three broken ribs and a cracked skull. I need to find away to get my son away from this."
End flashback

He found himself at an abandoned bathroom and looked in the mirror and began crying.
All the words his father called him where stuck him his head and kept playing over and over again.

~~~~~~~~~~meanwhile with harry~~~~
Harry was having trouble eating and sleeping, everyone knew what happens when the savior when to his "loving home" and was "protected" yet somehow he always had to got back.
He knew after a while Ron was using him for fame with the constant crying about him "needing to use his privileges more to get better things" he figured out he was being used after a week of him spending his money.
Hermione on the other hand didn't really want his money but his friendship.
But for now he need to get out of this dorm with Ron's ridiculous snoring!
Using the map the twins so kindly gave him to find a good place to be alone he saw Malfoy in a bathroom alone and what looked like walking back and forth. Want to investigate he walked into the bathroom and what he found shocked him.

Draco was walking back and forth while trying to keep his breathing under control.
Until he got upset and threw something at the mirror which cracked.
He picked up a shard before he could do anything it was taken from his hand and thrown to the ground by Potter.
"Why did you do that! You and I both know I'd be better of dead!"
Both boys where crying and Harry spoke first "It doesn't matter! HECK IF YOU WEREN'T SO STUPID YOU'D KNOW I HAD A CRUSH ON YOU!"
Draco was shocked. Of course he liked him he was and amazing person inside and out but....he doesn't know why love him.
" I was awful to you..you should be encouraging m-" Draco was cut off by a par of lips touch his own
After he got over the kiss he asked in a small voice "Why....why me?"
"Because" Harry starts with a small smile
"You make me feel all happy when your around even though you are a git at some times I still found away to love you"
He pulled him into a hug and stayed like at until they fell asleep.
The next the mirror was fixed and both boys walked into the great hall together with there hands held it was quite for a moment before a Ravenclaw yelled out "HA YOU ALL OWE RAVENCLAW 20 GALLEONS"
All the perfects got up and give the money in and the ravenclaws began to count it.
"HOW LONG WHERE YOU ALL BETTING?" Asked a red Harry, getting a response from the same ravenclaw that yelled out a moment ago "The other snakes got tired of hearing him talk about you over and over again so we made the bet"
After a few teachers and more students gave in all the money the ravenclaws where pretty much drowning in cash but somehow got it all to their common room and counted it.
—————one vacation later——————
After some time Harry had found out about what Draco's "father" did he lost it
"Why did you tell me sooner I could have done something! why wait till I see the scars?!"
Harry was bound to find out but the way he did was because he had bandages on his head and arm. (for some reason that had to heal the muggle way)
"Even if I did tell it would had done no good my father is one the most powerful people. He would had be irate if he found out you of all people where my boyfriend..." Draco started to remember when he first came out to his father of course his mother didn't mind. But his dad was insanely upset.


"Dad I have something I want to tell you and mom..." of course he was scared of telling them all kids where.
"Yes Draco?" His father asked
He took deep breath "I'm...gay....surprise!"


A very Drarry one shots :3Where stories live. Discover now