Sad fluff

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Some of you are going to hate me after this......
Warning:swearing, sad

Harry's POV

"NO!" I screamed as I saw Draco's body hit the ground. He had taken so much for me I loved him with all of my heart.
Then the horrible chuckling from the dark lord. "He was a week link in my army anyway, two birds with one stone." I got so mad I don't remember much I just lot of red.....

"This is for son of a bitch... Avada Kedavra!"
He fell to the ground as the death eaters fled I picked up Draco. "Hey's all can get up...." My voice was cracking, I had hot tears streaming down my face. I needed Draco. Everything was like a bag dream, one where when I wake up Draco is next to me....
But I'm not waking up.....


Hermione was trying to get me to eat but that wasn't happening, only way I'd eat is if Draco was the one next to me.
Ron would come in my room and try to get me to talk....nothing either....
It turned out he wasn't dead just in a pain induced coma....
Every day I'd go see him at the hospital hoping to god he'd wake up...I just needed something to hold on to....

I stood in the bathroom with the blade in my hand....I needed to be with him...
"Hey you bloody git...your going to be ok....I'm just sleeping I guess...." I knew that voice...
"Draco? Please he you I need you.." he smiled behind me in the mirror.
"Can you wait just a little bit longer?" I nodded, throwing the blade in he trash. The soup Hermione was trying to get me to eat was looking good. I ate small though... it had been weeks since I actually ate.
Hermione, Ron and all the other Gryffindors that wanted me to eat started to get happy and watched in amazement as I ate the small portion before I slid the plate away.

"Harry Potter?" I was sat in a waiting room of the hospital, they had news Draco was showing signs of waking up but I needed to be there...I needed him back...
"Yes that's he..." I didn't want to say the word. "No he's fine he just asked for you. I told him you where here but he kept saying he needed to see you."
I held in the tears as walked into his room. He was awake......and eating...
I walked slowly over to him and put my hands on his face making sure he was real...that I had him back....
"Babe? What are you doing? Is there-" I cut him off with a kiss and he jumped but kissed back.
"Don't you EVER do that again you hear me Malfoy!?" I said. Pulling him to me and smothering him.
" I won't I'll never leave you again. I promise."

"Thank you...that's all I needed to hear...."

*inhales* ok I cried about five times making this........

I'm sorry Queenie......

523 words

A very Drarry one shots :3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon