Mission Injuries

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Short but sweet

Harry was awakened with a blinding light. He tried to sit up and was gently pushed back down. "Go to sleep scar head" said a voice. He then felt soft hair resting itself on his chest. Looking down he saw Draco  and his daughter lily Potter laying on him, holding on to him with a gentle grip.

After he woke up for the second time his head was spinning. Harry tried to get some water but was stopped by Draco who helped him. "I'd tell you to get more rest but the doctors need you awake of the final tests then we can go home." Harry nodded knowing his voice may not work right now. He relaxed until he remembered his daughter. "Lily-" was all he crocked out before getting pushed back down. "-is at Hermione's and Ron's she's fine" Harry calmed down.

"So mr.Potter do you remember what happened." He shook his head no and gripped Draco's hand tightly. "Well explosives where found and someone we trapped in the building, you when in and they exploded just as you got out. Other then a few broken bones your fine." Harry let out a breath and kissed Draco's hand.

"Come babe I said I was sorry." Harry said feeding lily who had crying for her father. "Don't you do that again you prick! I thought I lost you.." Draco trailed off. Harry opened his arms the best he could with lily and Draco ran into them.
"I don't think I could leave either of you even if I tried." He said holding his family close.

IM BACK!  272 words

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