But instead, she tried to focus on other things. Not of the late hours or her worry for the male passed out on her couch, but rather that she'd have serious eyes bags tomorrow and would need to crack out the serious makeup. Or... she'd need to take a vacation day of the hours got too late and she'd be unable to wake tomorrow.

But if it meant she'd for sure know Touya was okay and would live to see more then just the sunrise... she'd continue to sit on her cold hard floor and stare at the tv, despite not paying any attention to it. He needed her right now... and she wouldn't betray him when he had come to her in his hour of need.

But as more and more time passed, Fuyu's eyes were starting to feel more and more droopy. The sounds of the wind hitting her window every now and then as well as the background noise of the characters speaking seemed to begin to lull her to sleep more than she would have liked.

Her head bobbed back and forth a little bit. Fuyu trying to blink away the sleepiness, but every time she did, it only seemed to make her realize how much she liked the feeling of closing her eyes in that small moment of blinking.

As she was finally about to give in, failing to convince herself that she'd wake up right away if Touya were to wake up, the sounds of her back hitting the couch made her realize just how late it was and how she had work tomorrow morning.

And had it not been for the hand that gently caressed the top of her head and weaved its fingers into her hair, she would have fallen asleep then and there. But seeing as she had been trying to stay awake for when and if Touya woke up, feeling his familiar and much-missed touch on her head, she broke out of her sleepiness by jumping upward.

It appeared though her legs had already long given into sleep, however, and with her jumping upwards, she had not given them the time to wake up and thus ended up falling onto her legs and had them give out. Fuyu's light cry of shock as she fell back onto the floor and looked up with a shocked expression, if not a light pink dusting on her cheeks, as she made eye contact with the male who had just been sleeping and resting his injury.

"Did I really startle you?" Dabi smirked. "How are you going to defend yourself if even I can sneak up on you literally right behind you?"

Fuyu shook her head, feeling as if she had to make sure she wasn't dreaming. If she needed to, she would even pinch herself to make sure. But as she looked at the cerulean blue eyes that were looking towards her with an amused, if not tired, expression she knew she was awake.

Not even in her dreams could she recreate that shit eating smirk of his.

"Touya!" She exclaimed, this time successfully standing. "You're awake!"

He nodded, trying to shift himself, but then recoiled. Hands ghosting over his chest and teeth barren and gritted together. Fuyu immediately came forward, helping him lay back down and looking at him with a worrying expression.

"Don't try to move so much..." She told him. "You're really hurt and need to stay on the couch for at least the night to relax and rest."

Dabi chuckled. "Me? Resting...? What's that?"

Fuyu lightly flicked his forehead. "You better do it, cause I won't hesitate to put you into a full body cast and transfer my tiredness for your sarcasm right now!"

Dabi blinked at her, for once caught off guard by her and her words rather than the other way around. He must have really worried her for the hero to go as far as to yell at him. The no good villain who showed up injured and nearly on death's door. Luckily... he had made it to her's instead.

Fuyu got up from her spot, going towards the kitchen and grabbing a glass. Dabi watched as best he could from the couch as she turns the tap on and filled up the glass with some cool water.

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