"Emma, you need to get some sleep. Go upstairs and go to bed and I'll clean this up, okay?" Derek asked, Emma staring at him with sad eyes. "Go ahead" Derek nudged her, Emma sighing hesitantly with a nod. 

She lumbered up from where she sat, slowly trudging up the stairs. Derek watched her sadly as she disappeared into the darkness. He had noticed the change in Stiles too, they all had. Something was wrong, but none of them could place a finger on what exactly it was. He hoped someone would figure out what it was, and soon. 

Emma made her way down the hall until she reached her room. She wiped away the rest of the tears that stained her face, taking a deep breath before entering her room. Stiles lay fast asleep, his hands wrapped up in the sheets, clenched into fists. His face was tensed in fear, soft cries escaping him. 

Emma crawled under the sheets next to him, a tired sigh escaping her. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into her chest. She rubbed circles on his back as she held him against her tightly. Slowly, he released the sheets, his face returning to a peaceful expression. When his heart rate slowed and his breathing returned to normal, Emma was finally able to fall back asleep.


"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Emma asked, grabbing Stiles' arm as they stood outside his next class. "Stiles" she squeezed softly, searching his eyes for reassurance. He smiled at her, doing his best to hide his fears.

"Emma, I'll be okay. Promise. You have an important test to take, so go. Go ahead" he told her, nodding furiously. She studied his face as she tried to make up her mind. "Love you" he said as he leaned down and kissed her. Emma wrapped her arms around him, holding him longer than usual. Stiles pulled away, cupping her face in his hands. "Go. Don't worry about me" he told her, Emma finally offering a hesitant nod. She squeezed his hand before dropping it.

Stiles let out a deep breath as he watched her disappear down the hall. Things hadn't been going well for him lately. And he had this enormous sense of guilt as it was hurting Emma almost more than it was hurting him. He couldn't stand it. 

When he could no longer see her down the hall, he entered the class room. Scott waved to him, patting the desk in front of him. Stiles plopped down in the desk, exhausted from a night full of bad dreams. 

Something caught his eye in the hallway, right outside of their door. His father stood there talking to someone, Stiles' stomach churning. He turned around to Scott who was seeing the same thing. "Can you hear what they're saying?" he asked, Scott nodding.

He closed his eyes, tilting his head as he listened. His eyes went wide as he swallowed down a sudden sense of fear. "William Barrow, the mass murderer, escaped from the hospital where he was having a surgery" Scott whispered, Stiles going sick with panic. 


"Stiles, would you like to come read for the class?" the teacher, who happened to be Kira's dad, asked. Stiles swallowed, shutting his mouth immediately. He shook his head no, Scott inhaling his sudden sense of panic.

"No thanks" he mumbled, Mr. Yukimura shaking his head.

"You have to" he replied, setting him with a hard stare. Stiles looked to Scott with worried eyes before he nodded, slowly standing up. He trudged to the front of the class room where the book lay on top of a podium. He took a deep breath as he look down at the paper, his stomach churning with fear as the words began to run, trickling off the page. 


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