Chapter 11:Deathwatch:Akoni

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Riptide's POV
Riptide had been sleeping underneath his Rider's bed when he heard a strange hissing noise.
He went to investigate, pushing the door open because his Rider forgot to shut it all the way. He walked into another room, seeing a two-leg with long, curly, brown hair getting metal round things with handles out.
Then he heard the hissing noise again, and the two-leg must have heard it too because it looked around the wooden structure till it apparently saw the thing making the noise. The two-leg screamed, and grabbed a round, metal thing by its handle and a sharp thing that looked like a straight, thin dragon claw, and the two-leg started throwing things at the beast he hadn't been able to see yet.
The beast must have hissed at the two-leg causing it to freak out and jump on the table, knocking two wooden things over when the two-leg jumped on the table.
Then he saw the beast near the wooden thing the two-leg was standing on.
It was an ugly, brown thing with green and yellow mixed in with its scales. It had long claws, short teeth, but a strong jaw, and thick powerful limbs and tail. The giant lizard thing was about half his size.
He saw it move closer to the two-leg on the table, Moray's mother, something he didn't have. So shouldn't he protect his Rider's mother?
The giant, ugly lizard's hiss drew his attention back to the current situation: protect his Rider's mother and reveal himself or let this ugly lizard attack the two-leg.
Making his choice, he charged towards the lizard at full speed, as fast as he could go with his webbed talons and heavy tail slowing him down, and he slammed into the ugly thing's side, knocking him and it down on the ground together.
Once the beast reoriented itself, it started struggling to get on top of him, Riptide starting to do the same.
   As they struggled to get on top of each other, they rolled around on the floor while the two-leg kept screaming in fear as Riptide and the lizard kept grappling with each other.
   He then felt Moray's mind enter the house, and the two-leg screamed something at Moray that he couldn't hear because of the growling in his ears from the giant, ugly lizard.
   Then while he was distracted by the two-leg's screams, the lizard sunk its short, sharp teeth into his forearm, its jaws starting to crush his forearm.
   Snaking his head around the lizard's neck, he suck his teeth into the top of the lizard's neck, causing it to let go of his forearm and hiss in pain as he continued biting it, drawing blood.
   The lizard started shaking its whole body, trying to get him to let go, but he wasn't going to let go, no matter how hard the lizard shook.
   Then he felt the lizard sink it's claws into his tail.
   He roared in pain, letting go of his grip on the lizard's neck.
   Then the lizard whacked him across the head with its tail, knocking him to the ground, the world spinning as he hit his head on the stone floor. He struggled to get up, but his head was so dizzy that he couldn't even concentrate.
   Then to his horror, he saw the ugly lizard rush towards Moray with its jaws open, ready to sink its teeth into his Rider.
   No way was he going to let this excuse of a reptile hurt his Rider.
   Jumping to his feet, he ran after the lizard as fast as he could ignoring the vertigo that threatened to make him fall down.
   When the ugly, big lizard was less than a foot from Moray, who was frozen with fear, he jumped forward, tackling the lizard in its side, sending him and it rolling across the floor, trying to get ahold of each other's necks.
   The lizard's claws caught on one of his gills, slightly tearing it.
   He roared in pain, and kicked the lizard in the underbelly, sending the disgusting thing away from him.
   Then he jumped to his feet and jumped on the lizard's back, and he latched his jaws around the lizard's neck, twisting its neck, while trying to stay on it without being thrown off and being at its mercy.
   Then with a surprising amount of strength the lizard threw him off.
   He landed hard on his back, the air being knocked out of his lungs.
   As he struggled to regain his breath, the lizard ran at him, and then jumped on top of him, pining him to the ground with its claws at body.
   He tried to get the lizard off, but its weight was too much.
   Then the lizard's head arrowed towards his exposed throat.
   He managed to catch the lizard's jaws with his talons, holding them open at their fullest extent to hurt the lizard.
Its tongue flipped out, hitting him in the face.
   Its claws raked his sides as it struggled to get free of his grasp.
   Determined to end this fight, he started turning the lizard's head one way, having to continuously fight the lizard's attempts to stop him and get free. As his strength started waning, he used the last of his strength to force the lizard's head to go the farthest it could go resulting in its neck breaking.
   As soon as the lizard's neck broke, he saw the light leave its cold eyes, and it fell forward on top of him, its limbs and tail twitching.
   He slipped out from underneath the lizard, and started towards the door, since Moray didn't look good and Moray wouldn't want his parents to find out about him, so he left, limping, to find Nalani.

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