Chapter Seven

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When I woke up again, all I could feel was a throbbing in my right arm.

That, and a headache that felt like someone was nailing my skull with a hammer.

I'd blacked out. At some point during whatever the hell had just happened, I'd blacked out. I think I'd woken up in bursts...but for the most part...

I could barely remember what had happened to bring me here.

Slowly, memories poured back. The girl...June...Erin...


I sat up, trying to take in all that was around me. It was a bedroom...but with broken windows, a dust-covered floor, and gray walls. It was dreary at best, but the windows at least allowed soft morning light to sift in, lighting up the dust mites.

I shifted, pushing my back against the wall. The blanket I was now clutching had holes peppered through it, but I didn't mind.

I didn't mind any of this...not until I glanced down at my arm.

It was covered in bandages. All originating from the little spot in my wrist where my chip had been planted.

Had been planted.

But they'd done something to it...I didn't know what. But something.

My identity...

There was a knock on the door. I stared at it, bewildered. Why knock? Wasn't I like...their prisoner or something?

Then again, I wasn't wearing any chains. I realized then that I wasn't wearing anything. I could easily have run out the window. I still could...if I just...

But the door opened.

Too late.

The girl, June walked in. Well...not really walked. It was more of a furious stomping towards me, as if she were still seconds from ripping my throat out.

In a way, I felt bad for nearly ripping her hair out. Then again, I was the one who'd lost the fight.

She didn't say a word as she came to the very bottom of my bed and crossed her arms, assessing me. I waited, still clutching the blanket in my fists.

"We have a lot to talk about."

Not if I didn't want to talk.

"So, I suggest you listen. You're not tied up. But trust me, if you try hurting me or anyone else in this house, you won't make it very far." But I could try.

Even though my instincts screamed at me to jump out the window, I was curious. From what I'd put together, these people weren't the government...and if they weren't the government...


They couldn't be.

Because why on Earth would Elijah's People want to protect a senator.

And Elijah's People were a myth anyway. Some silly story the people living in the slums told themselves. A useless hope.

They were supposedly a group fighting against The Winnowing. A massive underground organization who were responsible for plenty of failed executions and riots. They were said to have spy networks, people acting as business owners, servants, and even a few senators. They all reported back to the top...whoever was on top. Everyone assumed the leader was a guy named Elijah. I mean...why else would they be called Elijah's People?

But like I said, they were a myth. A bedtime story. Of all my research in Antheia, I'd never heard anything about them in the City of Marble. The only stories I'd heard had lacked any mention of where they were or who'd actually carried out the deeds. The news refused to air anything on them. No need to spread any ideas.

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