Whipping out the Moon Stick, Sailor Moon attacked, attempting to heal the Prince of Earth. "Moon Healing Escalation!"

Sailor Gaea watched in anticipation only to be shocked when the attack did nothing and merely brushed his hair like the wind. "What?!"

"Useless. Even with your Silver Crystal, you're still inexperienced as a princess. You won't be able to dispel Queen Metalia's dark energy from within Endymion's body." Queen Beryl informed them with pleased evil laughter "Stop your futil efforts and hand over Silver Crystal like a good girl."

Sailor Moon ignored her as she stretched her arm out more and with a forceful grunt tried to heal her loved one, gasping as Endymion jumped out of the healing attack and landed behind the Princess of the Moon. Swiping his sword at her and barely missing. "Ah!"

She cried as she landed on her side and the Moon Stick fell a bit away from her.

"Sailor Moon..." Dark Endymion spoke as a black rose appeared in his hand.

Sailor Moon looked up and gasped.

"Die!" Dark Endymion ordered in monotone as he tossed the rose into the air.

Falling as the stem enlarged and surrounded Sailor Moon as she gave a scared scream before it bound her. Black roses blooming as the binds began to crackle with purple energy and Sailor Moon screamed in pain.

Much to the amused evil laughter of Queen Beryl as she watched.

"Stop it!" Sailor Gaea shouted as she charged at her brother. The man turning to block the blade. The two struggling in a deadlock.

"Ahhh!" Sailor Moon cried again.

"Mamoru..." She cired out in tears as the energy intensified. "Ahhhh!"

The flowers falling away as Sailor Moon fell back. Her body twitching from the aftershocks.

Pushing Sailor Gaea away and tossing roses at her as they entangled her to keep her back, Dark Endymion turned his attention back to Sailor Moon as he towered above her.

"Mamoru..." Sailor Moon called out to him again before Dark Endymion kicked her. "Ahhh!"

Grabbing Sailor Moon by the throat, the girl could only struggle as she was suspended in the air with one hand and emitted struggling breaths before being shocked as Dark Endymion smiled at her pain. "Ahhhh!"

Queen Beryl's evil laughter echoed through the chamber. "Very soon, the entire sun will be consumed by Darkness. And finally, Queen Metalia will be resurrected." She gloated as Sailor Moon could only emit struggling grunts.

Sailor Gaea was busy trying to loosen her bonds or cut them with her sword as she crawled over and tried to position it safely.

"You can stop that now, Endymion." Queen Beryl said casually as Dark Endymion did as she commanded and tossed Sailor Moon away.

"Cut off the Princess's head. Now." The Queen ordered with wicked anticipation.

Cutting the bindings at last, Sailor Gaea grabbed her sword and charged at her brother, blocking the sword.

"I don't think so! If anyone's going to do head-cutting, it's me. Prepare yourself, Queen Beryl. Your head will be mine!" Sailor Gaea yelled as she spared a glare at Queen Beryl before focusing on her brother.

Sailor Moon meanwhile was trying to reach the Moon Stick.

Queen Beryl frowned at the interruption of the execution, but moved past it to monologue. "It's no use. Once Queen Metalia is resurrected and back among us, she will have the strength to unleash the Silver Crystal's full power, and she will fill this world with Dark energy, forever! Everything you and your pathetic friends have fought to protect, will be meaningless."

Sailor Gaea: The Dark KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now