The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

Above the sleeping city if Tokyo, the full moon witnessed all below as it's gentle light illuminated the streets, alleys, and other parts of the city though its light wasn't always noticed to the brighter lights of human civilization.

The only other hindrances of it's light being clouds as the moved past and hindered its view of what was happening below. Unable to witness someone running in the less populated and forestry areas of Tokyo. The sound of their footsteps echoing in the otherwise quiet night. Not too far behind, the sound of other footsteps followed. Soon, not one, not, two, but four others were racing after the first. All of which appeared to be girls though it was difficult to see without the full light of the moon.

Soon the moon was completely covered by the clouds of an otherwise cloudless night. As the first girl was running away from the other four, the four chasers had enough of a chase as jumped into the air.

"We've got you now, Sailor Moon!" They shouted in unison as they jumped in a special formation. Each landing is a square surrounding their target who they revealed to be the leader of the planet Sailor Guardians, Sailor Moon.

The clouds parting to reveal the moon and let it bear witness to the actions of those below. Illuminating the fight and revealing the identities of the four girls chasing Sailor Moon to be none other than the other members of her Sailor Guardian team.

"You might as well give up, Sailor Moon!" Sailor Mercury yelled.

"No way!" Sailor Moon refused.

"Oh, really?" Sailor Jupiter asked smugly.

"Then we've got no choice!" Sailor Venus summed up.

"This is it, stupid girl." Sailor Mercury said, regretfully.

This however did not shake Sailor Moon's confidence as she stared determined at her once supposed allies.

Finally, the only Sailor Guardian that hadn't spoken, Sailor Mars spoke up.

"Sailor Moon! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" She yelled as she attacked. "Fire Soul!"

"Ahh!" The other four yelled as they were forced to dance as Sailor Mars's attack lit the ground at their feet aflame and freaked as they tried to get away and not get burned.

"Whoops! Guess I overdid it." Sailor Mars thought as she watched them flail about.

Not too far from them, a few others were watching the chaos. Hidden among the trees, the Sailor Guardians of Earth were in their civilian forms.

"Shouldn't we do something? I could transform into Sailor Boreas and put out the fire." Taura offered.

"Sailor Mercury can do it herself. This is their business, not ours. Let them do what they will. We have more important matters to attend to. While they fight, we will continued the hunt for the Dark Kingdom portal. Now, let's go." Ayame told them as she lead the way.

The others looked back at the fight and sighed before following their leader.

Ayame thought back to what started this whole mess only an hour ago.

They all had gathered at the arcade and had spent a majority of the day searching for the portal. Ayame and her team had also been informed about what happened with Sailor Venus.

It had made her guilty she had been off with her lover basically on a date and Minako had to go through that. But it also scared her that Sailor Moon would even think of not healing Katarina and try to destroy her.

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