Emotions Run Rampant!

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me.

It was the beginnings of a beautiful day as Hiroko prepared to go to school at the T.A. Academy for Girls. She was looking forward to seeing her new friend Jing at school. Before leaving, she heard the weather forecaster say there was only a ten percent chance of rain for that day. Just from looking at the weather, he seemed like he was right. Personally, Hiroko didn't trust the weather forecasters and always brought and umbrella with her when going to and from school just in case.

It was a good thing too. While in route, the weather took a turn and began to rain. Ten percent. The guy was going to lose his job if he kept messing up. He should have at least said a chance of scattered showers.

"Stupid people not doing their job right." Hiroko grumbled.

She hated it when people didn't take pride in their work and wasted others times. As she walked, Hiroko noticed two people ahead of her. She recognized one of them to be Makoto. From the other Sailor Guardians. She didn't really know the others, but from what she had heard, Makoto was nice. Unlike that other girl, Rei, she believed was her name. She was sharing an umbrella with a guy. As she got closer to them, Hiroko glanced at Makoto's face and from the look on her face she could tell Makoto had it bad.

As she walked a few paces behind them, Hiroko couldn't help but over hear their conversation even with the rain muting it a little.

"I heard you're a fabulous cook. Is that true?" The guy asked.

"I guess..." Makoto answered modest about it.

"That's cool. One of these days, you'll have to make me something." He suggested.

"I'd love to, anytime. I could clean your place too! I'm really good at it!" Makoto offered.

"That would be a huge help!" He said.

Makoto smiled as she quickly pulled out a notebook and pencil. "Here! Write down your address and phone number, and a list of your favorite food as well!"

'That wasn't stalker-ish at all.' Hiroko thought.

The guy handed Makoto the umbrella and did as she asked. "Done. Mako, you sure are interesting." He commented.

Makoto stuck out her tongue and giggled. "Yeah, I get that a lot." Looking down at the paper she took a quick glance. "Ah, I see hayashi rice is your favorite."

Since the two of them had stopped, Hiroko had already past them and went on her way. She couldn't stand around, wasting time listening to other peoples conversation. Through the rain, she walked into a park on her way and lost in thought wasn't paying attention when she bumped into a young woman.

She had long auburn hair tied back in a low ponytail with a purple holder. She had dark blue eyes and for jewelry eggshell blue round earrings and a gold necklace. she wore a lavender dress with an orange wrap around her waist. Over it was a white lab coat and on her feet were magenta low heeled shoes.

"Sorry, Miss. I wasn't looking where I was going." Hiroko apologized.

"Oh, it's alright." The lady said.

Hiroko nodded and bowed to her. Without another word, she left for school.


After that the rain let up and returned once again to beautiful weather and after school, Jing and Hiroko headed to met up with the girls.

"So, are we having another Sailor Guardian meeting today?" Jing asked.

"I don't think so. There isn't exactly much to discuss. Even if there was, it wouldn't lead up to anything. It would just be talk. I think Ayame just wanted us all to have a chance to hang out today." Hiroko answered.

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