More suprises

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Madelaine petsch as Ava
The next day
"Well That's some tea right" Perrie says as the girls nod and clash their cup of tea together and take a sip of their tea. "I know" Elena sighs and shakes her head "It was hard explaining it Ariel I mean she understood up until the part where I explained that I'm not the mom and that ben and other woman had him" Elena explains looking down in sadness. Jesy Rubs her back "It's ok you have us". Two people walk as everyone freezes even the guys. The guys then all scream and hug her as the girls sit there quietly. Then Ben and Ava hug It's a long hug. Becky coughs to get ben's attention. "Oh yeah uh Ava this is ariel my daughter and my fiancé Elena" He holds her hand motioning her to stand she fakes smiles at her "hi" she waves. "Mommy it's audrey from movie" The little boy jumps. "Thought I knew you your Elena Cameron The last time I saw you was at a party five years ago with your pink purple hair dye breakdown" She smiles. She nods "well now I'm clean thanks" she smiles. "and ben this is Asher your son" Ava blushes as ben kneels down. "Hey buddy" He smiles at her son. "Hi dad" He smiles hugging him. Elena smiles down at them holding Ariel's hand. "He girls miss me" Ava smiles at the girls as they fake smile at her.
A few hours later
Ben is teaching Asher the drums as Ariel sits on the side watching them in boredem. "so Elena you and ben are engaged" She asks. She smiles "Oh yeah we are three years going strong" She smiles looking at her ring. "I See And ben told me about Ariel not being her biologically dad but rasing her as his own do you know who her birth father is" she asks. "I don't know but the main one That I think it is didn't even let me finish anything after I said I was pregnant but it worked out he was a druggie and I met ben" She looks down just thinking about her baby daddy. "I like your comeback on the movie coming back strong your singing number one on trending on youtube" She giggles. "good job" She pats her back. She nods "Thanks". "You understand right mom to mom why I didn't tell him" She has puppy eyes. "He was young wanted to live his life" She says quickly as Ava is shocked. "you know" She questions. "After Ariel and a few weeks after Ben and I got together He cheated so I Understand at the time and I bet younger him was worse with women" She chuckles. She nods "Yeah". "How long has he been in your life" Ava asks. "Since I was 7 months" Ava nods "He was there for the pregnancy" she asks. She nods "Yeah He threw me a baby shower and we had sex just to get Ariel out of me so he made me go into labor" She smiles at those memories. Ava nods "Interesting" She sips her tea as the girls are shook.
Later on that day
"do you have anything at your house for Asher" Ava asks. "We have a spare room for him but only toys for a girl though and I have some things coming soon in the mail" Ben says quietly. "Ok well I have some toys for him in his bag he can stay the night have fun" Ava smiles and hugs him and he hugs her back. Cameron coughs "ben". Ben breaks the bed and nods "see you tomorow". "Ok bye" Ava kisses Asher's cheek and walks out. "okay hun" Ben kisses Elena's cheek "Let's head home" he wraps his arm around Elena and they walk out with Ariel and Asher. "I feel so bad for her" Jade says with a few sighs. "I know" Leigh sighs as well.
At home
"well how was Ava" Ben asks. "Asked too many questions and screw you you hugged her for a long time then Cameron and Becky had to get your attention" She turns away from him crossing her arms. "I haven't seen her in a long time don't be jealous You know your the love of my life" ben kisses her lips. "mommy" Ariel yells from her room. Elena gets up and walks to her daughter's room "what's up honey" Elena kneels down as Ariel plays with her dolls "Today I bored ben hang with asher all day tomorow can we stay home" Ariel asks. Elena nods "Yeah We need the break honey" She kisses her cheek. "Yay mommy can we go to spa and salon" Ariel asks. "Honey your not old enough yet" Elena laughs. "You go" She says with a sad tone. "Yeah because Ben likes for me to have a mommy day once a week and I would love to bring you but you'll be bored and mommy wants you to have fun" She kisses her cheek. "Ok" Ariel smiles. "How about shopping mommy got her paycheck since my movie came out or we can go to the park anything you want mommy and daughter day" She smiles as Ariel nods and smiles "Yay". "great have fun sweetie with your dolls" Elena kisses her cheek and walks out. "Hey babe" ben smiles. "Hi babe um Ariel and me are going to have a mommy and daughter day" Elena says laying down next to him on their bed. Ben nods "Need some money" Ben asks. "No keep your money I got it" she smiles. "You sure I'll give you my card" Ben insists. "Ben I don't want to take your money keep it" She smiles holding his hands. "I love you I want to spoil my girls" He starts to kiss her neck. "ben Don't worry I have money I'm in the reboot of charmed my return to Descendants Companies Sponsoring me I have money again my own again it's great I always feel bad when I have ask you for money Now I don't god you need a daddy day" She laughs. he chuckles "Yeah well My love the only daddy day I need is whne I'm with you " He pecks her. "Love you" She smiles holding his face. "Babe I know your happy about being famous again making money again going back to the movies fame money but I'm worried about you" Ben starts to say as Elena lets go of his face. "why" She asks. "you were 18 and pregnant dyed your hair while high don't know whose ariel's birth dad you were partying drinking doing drugs your going to be 21 soon legal to drink I don't want you to go down that road again" Ben says looking into eyes with a sserious tone. "I know ben but I won't I have a daughter and you I'll be ok" She kisses him. They then hug tightly. Elena's phone rings. "Hold on" Elena looks at her phone facebook messenger call her eyes widen in fear getting up from her bed looking at whose calling her. "No" she whispers. "Babe you ok" Ben asks. She nods "i'll be right back" she grabs her phone running out to the bathroom to answer "Hello" she answers shakily. "Elena" the man on the phone says her name. "What do you want" Elena asks angrily. "I want to be in our daughter's life" The man says. "Damn it Bill are you serious she's 3 years old You haven't called texted me or ben like what the hell and your still a druggie I'm clean unlike you" she angrily whispers so be doesn't hear. "thanks Elena but I've been clean for a year" Bill says with a smart ass tone. "And you didn't call wow" she chuckles "Listen ben I'm getting married to most handsome smartest sexiest romantic The best guy in the world whose ben there for me before your daughter was born he's taken care of her since the first minute of her life and where the hell were you doing drugs and shagging druggie hoes" she clenches one of her fists. "I want to do better and Who said she need to call me dad uncle bill is a thing" Bill starts to say. "That's smart but no" She's about to hang up. "Please I Beg of you Elena I'll follow conditions and rules even ben's rules please" Bill is pleading with Elena. "I'll talk with Ben and I'll call back" Elena sighs. "thank you" Bill has happiness in his voice. "Don't thank me yet" Elena hangs up walking back to her room. "What's wrong who was that" Ben asks. "Ariel's dad".

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