Our happily ever after or is it

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"Hi how can I help you" elena asks with her note book as a waitress 7 month pregnant. "Have I seen you before" the man with curly blonde hair man with a deep english accent asks. "Maybe from the movies or well your hot maybe at a party" She smirks. "Maybe both" He winks "wait your Elena Cameron" he winks again "I didn't shag you but we can" He smirks. "I would Love for the drummer from the dynamos to shag me but" she puts her hand on her stomach "I'm seven months Can't have anyone shag me for maybe two months after birth since I have two more months left and nobody to shag me four months or more" she sighs. "Maybe I can change that and besides sex helps put you in labor" Ben of course saying this with his smart ass face and voice. "fine after my shift I'll go to your house will there be a groupie already there" She giggles. He shakes his head "of course not your the pregnant one Gotta treat you like a princess love" He smirks and bites his lip seductively. "I'll be done in an Hour your staying" She leans toward him. He nods "for you" He raises his eyebrows.
At His hourse after Elena's Shift
"Your not here to shag me" She smirks asking. "only if you do" Ben smiles as they both sit down on the couch. "when your 9 months pregnant I plan on it" he puts his hand on her knee. "Ok so why am I here" She asks. "how did go from becoming a star to waitress I know your mom but you have money right" Ben asks. She shakes her head "it all went to my mom putting in a savings but she gave me only to go to school and an apartment and the rest she took for herself This was months ago after I told her I was pregnant" she sighs looking down. "That sucks" he says looking down. "yeah well She's crazy" She picks at her nails. "the father" He asks. "Well first off I don't know if he's the actual dad but either way He didn't want it" She sighs. "So your in London all Alone" He asks. "All alone only you" She chuckles. "No friends no family" He questions. "Everyone is in california I don't even want to bother with my friends kind of the reason I'm knocked up" She chuckles "It's fine I like being alone totally" she fake smiles at him. "Well I'll be your friend" He smiles up at her. she chuckles "Yeah until we hook up I know how this goes" she sighs. "doesn't have too" He smirks. "Sure we'll see ben" She smiles
Two months later
Elena walks into her apartment. "Suprise" People yell. "what's this" Elena asks. "Hello Elena your Ben's new friend and your pregnant who wouldn't want a baby shower" Perrie edwards smiles saying. "Ben did you plan this" She asks giggling. "I helped a little" He says smirking. She smiles at them all.
After the party
"well You happy" Ben asks. Elena smiles "Yeah Can't believe you did this for a girl you just met and it's not your kid" she hugs him. "well there's something about you that I like I don't what" Ben smirks. She nods Then Ben kisses her. She doesn't push him back. They go into her bedroom not breaking the kiss.
an hour later
"any pain" Ben asks. Elena puts her shoes on as Ben buttons his shirt. "Nope" Elena shakes her head "Is that why you" She starts to say. "No no no I like you a lot plus your a few days late and sex helps" He says in defense. "Your right" she says "which it didn't so I'll go get me spicy food" she walks off to the kitchen as he follows. Elena tries to grab flamin hot cheetos then feels a sharp pain in her stomach she groans. "You alright" Ben asks looking concerned and worried. She nods "Yes I'm ok go home I'll be fine" she says groaning holding her stomach in pain she starts to wince. "Alright Come on your in labor" he walks toward her as water comes out of her. "Please be" Ben starts to say. She shakes her head "My water broke" She winces and starts tearing up. "It's alright i got you" Ben wraps her arm around him and helps her walk out to the car. She's wincing in pain in the passenger side trying to breathe. "you ok" Ben asks starting to speed up. "No I'm in pain" she starts raising her voice. "scale to 1 to 10" He asks. "12" she starts to full cry. "ok we're here" he parks the car helping her walk to the lobby "hey uh she's in labor" Ben says to the nurse. "Okay follow me" The nurse says getting up.
In a Room
"you doing ok" Ben asks. She shakes her head breathing slowly. "so Your really doing this on your own" Ben gets up from his chair walks next to her bed side. "Yeah Don't really have much of a choice" she sighs picking at her nails about to cry. "Look we just met two months ago I know you want someone to help so you know um" Ben starts to say. She chuckles "You want be the father figure" she asks chuckling. He nods "yeah Look I know I'm on tour a lot but the bandmates are already getting married and having kids they'll work it and we can too I know you don't want to be alone" he holds her hand. She nods "Your right but I don't trust you sleep around I know how you are your like the baby daddy number 1" she starts to say shaking her head. "Hey I've been around I got you lunch dinner breakfast gave the baby shower and you know I shagged you" He smirks. "I couldn't ask you I Mean your young and" She stutters. "I don't look Like I Can do this but I can" he says. She smiles "You sure" She squeezes his hand. He nods smiling "Yeah I've always wanted to be a dad" he bites his lip. She smiles and nods "You promise to be good to my daughter" She smiles asking. He nods "Of course I will" he hugs her. she hugs him tighter "Thanks Ben Your a great friend".
A few hours later
"ok Elena your ready to give birth" The doctor walks in saying as everyone gets ready. "Okay Ben you need to hold her hand and elena start pushing" The doctor gives orders. Elena starts to push and screams a little. A few pushes later. "Okay Elena one more push" The doctor says as Elena sqeezes Ben's hand pushing crying and screaming as a crying baby comes out. "your little girl is here" The doctor smiles "ben would You like to cut her cord" The doctor asks smiling. Ben gives Elena a look as Elena is crying and nods. He cuts the Cord as the doctor gives her baby girl to Elena. Elena is crying holding her daughter for the first time.
later on
Elena is filling out the birth certificate "are you sure" Elena says. "Yes I'm sure and she doesn't need to call me dad she can call me whatever I'll be her legal guardian you know" Ben says smiling as she smiles back writing ben down on the father section. "what's her name" Ben asks. "for first Ariel My for Angel looked it up and Love the disney princess" She smiles as he chuckles "Middle name" he asks. She shrugs "any ideas" she asks. "maybe Uh donna" He says. "isn't that your mom's name" She asks smiling. He nods "Yeah". "But since your middle name is lily Ariel Liliana Cameron Sheridan" He says smirking. "Since when are you so smart" she writes all that down on the paper.
The next day
ben puts Ariel in her carseat in his car as Elena is sitting in the back next to Ariel.
In Elena's apartment
"You don't have too I can stay here" Elena says bouncing Ariel. "Don't worry about it besides you and Ariel deserve it plus when she gets older she can go outside play in a pool of her own play in a backyard of her own and so that both of us are around" Ben gives reason to her. "I feel bad though" she starts to say. "Don't worry this is going to be great ok" He olds her shoulders. She nods "ok but you can back out anytime" She says. "I won't trust me" he hugs her carefully due to Ariel being in her arms.
Two months later
"I still can't believe your house is big" Elena chuckles feeding Ariel her bottle. "yeah well wasn't easy" he says looking at his watch. "waiting on a groupie" Elena asks rolling her eyes. He shakes his head "no just waiting from a call from bruno about our next tour" Ben says looking into her eyes. she nods "I'm going to put her for a nap" Elena says getting up going to Ariel's room. a few moments go by then Elena sits back down on the couch. "Hey". Ben leans in and kisses Elena. Elena doesn't push back but Ben does for a second. "you want to do this" Ben asks. She nods.
a few hours later
"wow" Ben says to himself. "what are we ben because I'm a mom now No longer the slut who slept around" she starts to say. "I know" he kisses her "be my girlfriend". "what" she questions. "Be my girlfriend" he repeats. she nods kissing him. he kisses back. "Next week" he sighs "Is the tour just wanted to tell you how I felt about you before I leave" He kisses her again. "your leaving" she asks in sadness. He nods "I'll call though".
A few weeks later in an press interview
the Guys are smoking as questions are asked. "Ben do you have a baby there are photos of you holding a pregnant woman and holding the baby the day after and that woman is Elena Cameron" the interviewer asks. "none of anyone business" Ben says smoking. "Ben ben ben answer" the interviwers yell. Then he snaps smoking and yells "biologically no I'm just dating The baby's mom and helping her raise the baby as my own that's all I'm saying" He angrily leans back. "anymore questions" scott asks after Ben's little freakout. "ben you were seen with other girls groupies you've been cheating on her how does she feel" Another interviwer asks. "Nothing more about Elena and the baby" ben angrily but calm voice says smoking.
with Elena
"I knew he would cheat" Elena saying to herself breastfeeding ariel as her phone rings. she angrily answers "I knew you'd cheat ben" Elena yells. "i'm so sorry Elena I'm sorry it won't happen ever again forgive me" Ben pleads. She sighs "Don't ever do it again" She says calmly. "never" he says. "I promise".
3 years later
"Good morning sweetheart" elena squeals kissing all over ariel's face as ben smiles crossing his arms leaning at the doorway. "How are my two girls doing this morning" Ben sweetly asks. Elena picks a still sleepy smiling Ariel as Elena is giggling "we're pretty good" Elena picks his lips walking out to the kitchen to see breakfast done she smiles to see Ariel's breakfast scrambled eggs she puts her in her highchair as Elena sits down next to her on her chair to see a Plate with two sauages three pancakes and some fresh tea on the side. "I made breakfast this morning" Ben walks in smiling pecks Elena's head and sts across from her looking at his food 6 pieces of toast and 4 pieces of sauages as Ben starts eating toast. "are you going to the studio today daddy" Ariel asks as she has a full mouth of eggs. Ben nods "Yes But you and mummy are coming too today" Ben smiles at her and kisses her nose as Ariel giggles. Elena just keeps smiling at the two as she continues to eat
In the Studio
Elena is wearing a yellow crochet bikini top with white base with a long yellow flower skirt with a slit and tan ankle boots watching Ben and her daughter Ariel smiling As Ben is wearing a black t shirt and a red cardigan with leather paints and white boots with an apple watch."Alright You know how to do it" Ben says smiling holdin ariel on his lap trying to teach her the drums. Ariel nods and slams the drumsticks on the drums all over the place not on rhythm she's giggling as Ben is laughing. He takes the sticks "Your going to be the best drummer in the world love" He smiles and puts her down. "Yay Benny " She smiles running off to Elena on the couch in the outside area. "Mommy Ben taught me drum" Ariel yells excitingly. "That's so good sweetheart" elena kisses her cheek and puts her on her lap as the guys get back to work from there lunch break. "Now Ben at the end of the song you need to get u jump and hit the huge big drum" bruno says pointing to his left ben's right "when it's there on stage of course" Bruno says smiling. Ben sighs "Alright". The boys continue for the next hour. "Alright guys see you in a few days" Ben waves. "Have fun In greece" Cameron waves as ben leaves.
After the studio
"mommy daddy Ice cream" Ariel yells happily jumping up and down. Ben kneels down "Ok sweetheart what do you want" H smiles down at her. "Vanilla" She giggles. Ben goes to the counter as Ariel and Elena Sit down at the outside table. Ben brings back a vanilla bowl on the table as Elena and ben peck. "ew" Ariel giggles and eats her ice cream. "Elena Have I told you That I'm proud" Ben holds her hand. "Yes many times" Elena giggles. "fours years sober" Ben holds her hand tighter. She smiles and nods "Yeah". He kisses her cheek. "I love you so much" He wraps his arm around her. "Maybe a ring on my finger would make me love you more" She smiles and chuckles. "One day I promise" He kisses her hand. Ariel finishes her icecream as they all get up and walk fast to their destination the airport ben's private plane. "How did you know I've always wanted to go greece" Elena asks as they take off. "Jade Perrie Jesy Becky and Leigh told me a few months ago about who wants to go where dream place so I'm making it come true" Ben smirks and kisses her.
A few hours later
Ben Elena and Ariel are walking around the beach holding hands with there shoes off. "Elena I have a suprise for you over there" Ben points to an area on a little hill with lights on the tree and a romantic table with a rose petal path leading up to it. "wow" She smiles "Is that where were going" Ben nods smiling. "You two get up there I'll be a minute" He takes out his cigarette from his pocket as Elena picks up ariel as they both laugh and giggle running to the romantic hill Ben made for them. Elena gasps smiling "Wow" she whispers looking around as she feels strong arms wrapping around her waist kissing the back of her head "I Love you" He whispers in her ear. He turns her around to see a little home "Ben what is that" Elena asks. "Our vacation home" He says looking at the house "I know how much You love greece not even one day and you've dreamed of it since you were 5 I'm making it a Reality whenever You want to come you can stay here" he then backs as she turns around smiling and tearing up as Ariel watches them. "Elena when I met you you were on rock bottom a actress you had it all but always in trouble to a pregnant single mom working as a waitress when I met you I thought you just going to be my one night stand but after one conversation I knew That I loved you" He starts tearing along with Elena "Ben" she chokes out smiling. "we are raising a beautiful little girl I Love her like she's my own I hope we have one of our own day Fuck Elena I love you so much We're going to be together forever Our love is going to last not for five years like all those other people I want us to be together the rest of our lives" He gets on one knee as she gasps crying "Ben" she covers her mouth. Ben takes out a little box and opens it. "Elena Lily Cameron Will you marry me" A beautiful ring shows silver band with little rose gold flowers leading up to a big diamond on top. She's crying even more now not knowing how to react and nods very fast "Yes yes yes" She yells happilly jumping up and down. "You want to put it on" He laughs and tearing up. She laughs and stops jumping "right Yes" she squeals as Ben puts on her ring holding her hand "promise me You'll never take it off" she nods "Never" she reassures him and kisses him. "yay I Kept a secret" Ariel yells. ben and Elena laugh picking her up together smiling. "Good job" ben pecks her cheek. "You knew" Elena asks smiling clearing her tears laughing. Ariel nods "I pick ring" Aiiel says "Do you like ring mommy" She asks. She nods looking at her rings "Of course I do sweetheart" She kisses Ariel's cheek.
later that night
"Oh Ben How long have you been planning this babe" She asks looking at her ring in bed in her silk two set Pj's with shorts and long sleeve button up shirt. "well four months" Ben says smiling. "Four months" Her eyes widen. "well for two months I've been asking the girls to ask you questions and figuring out how and when I should do it Then the third month I got the ring Ariel found the ring" Ben starts laughing. "So had to explain to her then well it was busy You had to finish your descendants movie Then The album for us Then we had to you know plan it out at the right time" Ben explains. "I love you Ben" Elena kisses him as Ben hovering over her unbutton her shirt.
A few weeks later
"I'm so In love" Elena and the girls giggling looking at her ring. "Ben did good again" Jesy smiles saying as the girls go quiet. "again" Elena questions. "He never told you" Perrie questions. "tell me what" Elena questions. "you never knew about Ava" Jade questions. "Oh her yeah ben told me that they were dating his first love for 5 years childhood sweetheart but then they broke up because he wanted to live the rockstar life" Elena explains. "Why did more happen or that was it they were boyfriend and girlfriend" Elena asks in fear. "They were engaged" Leigh says quietly. "what" She asks angrily. "Yeah We weren't close with her but the guys were close especially her and bruno they were best friends" Jesy explains. She looks down "when did they break up" Elena asks. "They broke up five years ago but they hooked up once in a while but stopped 3 years ago when you were 8 and half months pregnant Ben broke it off both times He wanted fun all he wanted then he met you and wanted the baby instead" Perrie says quietly. "oh ok good Is there any feelings there with Ben though" Elena questions about to cry. "Oh honey no Ben loves you" Becky says smiling. "I don't know what happened though since I was here after you came along this is the first I'm hearing about it but Ben loves you and wants to marry you if there was feelings still there He'd not want to marry you" Becky says with confidence "I can't believe he never told me especially that they hooked up after the fact" Elena looks at ben hitting the drums.
At home
"Ben Why didn't you tell me that about you being engaged to Ava and you screwed her even after you broke up with her 3 years ago worst of all I had to find out from the girls" Elena yells about to cry. "That was the past Elena you know I love you so much" Ben pleads "Please". "No more god damn secrets and I'm the only woman you love" Elena states. "well" Ben starts to say. Elena has her hand on her ring about to rip it off. "Ariel is too baby listen You and Ariel are the only girls in my life that I love more" Ben kisses her lips. "Your promise Just Ariel and me and soon our kids" She whispers. "I promise" He whispers back. "Now get ready we have to go to Bruno's party" Ben says as Elena shakes her head "I don't want to party I'll just hang out with ariel" Elena sighs. He nods "have fun" He says kisisng her and walks out.
The next day
elena is reading the news about ben "He cheated on me" She puts her phone down and starts to cry. Ben walks in with a sad face "Elena we need to talk" Ben says sitting next to her. "I know You cheated on me" Elena looks up at him crying. "No no I'd never it looks bad I know but it's not hear me out" Ben says really fast. "Talk now before I start packing my bags" Elena yells in his face. "Okay look that was Ava" He says slowly. "Okay I'm packing" Elena starts to get but Ben pulls her down. "Look nothing happen but she told me something Yesterday ok and I need you to understand" Ben holds her hand with puppy eyes. "what now" Elena asks. "Ava has a five year old kid and the kid is mine" Ben spits out. Elena slaps his face "I can't believe you" She yells. "I know I know but I didn't know till last night" He tries to walk toward her. "Don't" She backs up. "Babe You know I loe you but this is my kid I don't have a choice". "How do you know that kid is yours" She crosses her arms holding back tears. "time period, age, looks a lot like me, single mom a lot of reasons on how I know" He says in sadness. "are you going back to her" She asks crying. He shakes his head "No Never I love you more than anything" Ben hugs her. "I have to have her around though baby I'm sorry for my kid" He whispers. She nods "Of course". "This is going to take some time but we can work this out right" Ben asks wanting a yes. She nods "She better know to back off" Ben starts to laugh "Don't worry babe" pecks her lips. "Now tomorow she's coming to the studio with my son so try to not kill her" ben smiles as she chuckles. "I promise".

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