Serenity: Chosen to be Mother Nature

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Chapter Eight


Images raced through my mind as I slept.

The darkness stopped me from envisioning what was in front of me. The only sounds I heard were of the many pack wolves and rogues wailing, longing to be set free.

I continued walking, blindlessly through the darkness, relying on where the sounds were coming from. It wasn't until lights had started to surround me, making me see what was happening.

The smell of blood filled my nose and I clenched my jaw at the scene before me. Not one but many of the scientists had every single one of pack members, the ones that I loved in cages, torturing them.

I wanted to so badly to reach them, to set them free, but I couldn't since I was in chains of my own. I was hopeless, couldn't be able to use any ounce of my powers somehow.

But then something caught my eye– my parents. They were getting torn apart by rogues that were controlled by the scientists.

"No!" I tried screaming, but there was no sound coming out.

The same punishment happened to the ones I loved– Kade, Jaxon, Jasmine, my godparents, Justin, Amber, Caleb, Micah.... I couldn't bear watching it. I fought, I kicked, I screamed but still it was no use.

The face of the fucking psycho stood before me, "Now it's your turn," he said with a sinister look on his face.

My heart raced, as I sat up to look among the concerned faces of those who surrounded me.

I heard a growl from behind them, "Get the fuck out of my way, Luther!"

Luther. He has grown so much, since the last time I saw him.

"I'm warning you, Luther! Get the hell out of my way!"

My breathing sped up. No, I can't see him, especially not now.




The look on everyone's face as they glanced up the sky made them look at me in awe and shock.

"What the fuck?!"

"What's happening to her?"

"A storm is coming!"


Kade and Jaxon stood before me, along with the twins.

Lucas met my eyes and he immediately came to me unaware that it was because of him that I triggered the storm.

As he came closer, lightning started to bolt and the wind began to pick up.

My godfather tried to hold him back from me, but he still came.

"Lucas, no!" He yelled.

He got the others to move away and knelt in front of me and when he did, I closed my eyes.

"Serenity?" I heard him say in a deep voice.

"Rens, look at me," that only angered me some more.

Sighing, I thought he had given up, but I guessed wrong. He caressed my cheek, softer than a feather and I felt tingles that made butterflies in my stomach.

It felt weird, but his touch calmed me down a bit. I opened my eyes, looking anywhere else but him. The thing was, I couldn't control my powers.

"Serenity, look at me and imitate my breathing," Lucas said softly, his rough hands grabbing both of my cheeks.

"I-I can't, I'm trying!" I say feeling defeated.

He gathered me in his arms, holding me so that I could listening to his heart. Honestly, I couldn't help but feel safe in his arms.

Soon, the storm had gone away and everyone smiled at us.

"Are you okay?" Lucas whispered in my ear, and I shivered at the contact, though I nodded.

"Renny?!" I heard someone call, I looked over to see my one and only brother.

I gasped, he still looked the same but with a manly build. I got out of Lucas's arms and ran in tears, "Tin-Tin?!"

He caught me with his muscular arms, picking me up as he laughed joyously and we began to cry together.

"Goddess, I miss you!" He cried.

"I missed you too!" I said tearfully.

He put me down, "Don't think that just because we hugged I would forget about what you did, young lady! You are grounded!" He pointed an accusing finger at me, as he scolded.

I then heard a growl from behind me, and then saw him flip the bird at Lucas, "Fuck off, Lucas. I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to my little sister!"

I looked down in shame and guilt but I had a valid reason of leaving.

"Renny?" Justin said softly. I slowly glanced at him and saw that his face softened, "Will you tell me why you ran away?"

I nodded (knowing all to well that under that exterior, he was holding the anger and scolding all in and he hugged me again), "Good. Because I want you to meet someone—"

He was interrupted by a soft voice, "Baby?"

"Renny?" I heard another voice call out.

I turned around to see Amber and another girl who looked like she was the same age as us.

"A-Ambi?" I managed to voice out.

Amber instantly turned on her heel and ran back to where she came from. I was about to run to her but Justin stopped me.

"She's just...upset. It's best to just see her when you're ready to talk to me," he looked at my frown and continued, "it wasn't your fault Renny..."

I smiled at the girl, she was about an inch taller than me with short, brown hair and emerald eyes, "So I'm thinking this is you're mate," I wiggled my eyebrows at Justin, as he and the girl blushed.

"Baby? This is my youngest sister, Serenity Alexandra Myers," he introduced me, "and sis, this is my beautiful mate, Theresa Oliver the daughter of the Beta from the neighboring pack," he finished kissing his mate on the cheek.

I squealed as I pushed him aside to give her a hug, "She's perfect for you, brother!"

"So you're the famous Renny, I've been hearing about?!" She asked excitedly, "Your brother and Amber talk so highly of you!"

My face turned red, in embarrassment, "Oh goodness!"

Justin just rolled his eyes but from the small smile on his face I could tell that he was amused.

"You'd really think that'd we'd forget you even after all these years we've been together?" He asked, nudging me with an elbow.

I gave him a sheepish smile then Theresa looped her arm in mine and then said, "C'mon let's go talk it over with a cup of coffee."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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