Returning Memories

Start from the beginning

Her team was shocked at this drastic reaction, though Jadeite looked like he understood what was going on and sorrow reflected on his face.

"Girls, be very careful. The Princess is very upset and isn't herself. However, I think she'll let you get close if you go slowly and gently. She's disoriented and needs comfort. I can't go over there myself, my presence would only upset her even in this form. I'll explain everything later, but please! She needs you." Jadeite begged the girls.

Nodding, the four of them walked over to their princess. As they got closer, they could here her singing gently. Sobs and tears making her voice crack and interrupting parts of the song.

"The dearest are my Heralds, who return my care with love, The dearest are my Heralds, swift to spring to my command. Who give me aid and fellowship, who always understand. So I must send my dearest friends to danger—and to die. That I must sacrifice them all if there should be the need. They know, and they forgive me—doing more than I require, With willing minds and loving hearts go straight to grasp the fire. The tears I weep in silence as I mourn my Heralds dead. Oh gods that dwell beyond the stars, if you can hear my cry—And if you have compassion—let me send no more to die!" She sobbed.

Sailor Zephyrus knelt down beside the princess and gently ran her fingers through her hair. Princess Iris was slightly startled as she looked up and saw her friends surrounding her.

"" The Princess croaked.

"Don't worry, Princess. We're all here for you. We're okay." Sailor Eurus said patting Princess Iris's back.

"Everyone!" The princess cried as she grabbed as many of them as she could and hugged them. Her tears of sadness turning into tears of relief as the girls comforted her.

Behind the Princess of Earth, Princess Serenity opened her eyes and cried at the state of her beloved in her lap. "Tuxedo Mask... You're hurt, all because of me!" Her tears landing on his cheek as he slowly began to stir.

Opening his eyes, he saw his princess above him and called out her name. "S-Serenity!" Looking over, he saw his sister surrounded by he guards. "Iris!" He called out to her.

Princess Iris gently removed her face from its previous position, soaking her friends Sailor uniforms. "Brother?" she asked tentatively.

Princess Serenity gasped at Tuxedo Mask waking up and was shocked further when her friend called Mamoru 'brother' of all things.

Tuxedo Mask nodded at his sister before turning back to Serenity. "I'm able to remember everything now. Serenity!" He said happily even though he was weak at the moment. Raising his hand, Serenity gently grasped it and held it to her chest. "I am Endymion." he told her.

Princess Serenity's eyes widen as she too began to remember. "Endymion... That's right, I remember now, I am Serenity!"

Unknown to the rest, Serenity flashed back to one of the long nights of the Moon Kingdom in the past. The time she gave him her music box. The same one he had unknowingly given back to her. Once it was over and snapping back to the present, Serenity called out to her love as the pain was once again getting to him. "Endymion... You're Endymion! My one true love."

Closing her eyes she whispered his name, "Endymion..." and in a pink flash she returned back into Sailor Moon and fell over unconscious.

"Sailor Moon!" Her teammates called out to her as they finally returned to her side.

"Big brother..." Princess Iris called out gently before she gave a humorless laugh. "Fool..." Passing out the others caught her. A rainbow of colors washing over her as she returned to being Sailor Gaea.

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