The Shining Silver Crystal

Start from the beginning

"You are not to kill Tuxedo Mask. Instead, you will bring him to me alive." Queen Beryl ordered.

"But why do that?!" Zoisite questioned, shocked he would have to go through the trouble of bringing a weak human that always got in his way to the great Dark Kingdom.

"I don't need to explain myself to you!" Queen Beryl simply answered. A threat hidden slightly in her calm words to not question her or their true queen.

Zoisite stood silent, but disgruntled with the situation.

After a moment of silence, Kunzite gave the only answer he could. "Understood."


Back in Tokyo, Mamoru Chiba had returned home safely. Though his injury reminded him of what he had been out doing. His apartment was clean and spacious. He hadn't turned on the lights yet. It had taken him so long to get home, he figured in would be sunrise soon. Leaning against the door, he fumed at himself of his stupidity and incompetence. Panting and slightly sweating from over exerting himself.

With his right hand, Mamoru punched the door he leaned against as his left braced his shoulder. "Damn it!" He growled as he gritted his teeth at the unneeded pain he inflicted on himself. "Why couldn't I protect her?! I failed her!" He chastised himself.

His thoughts going back to Sailor Moon and her companions when they were under the dome. The pain being inflicted on them. Stepping out into the open and revealing his location, what good was that going to do back then?! He wondered to himself. If it wasn't for the other Sailor Guardians and mostly Sailor Gaea, he would have been in worse shape than he was now. Possibly even dead. If it wasn't for the others, they all would have died and the enemy would have taken the Rainbow Crystals. But the hardest part of it all, was thought of failing to protect Sailor Moon.

"Sailor Moon..." He muttered. Over time, he had grown fond of the clumsy Sailor Guardian and always came to her rescue. This time he failed her. Looking up, he removed himself from the door, leaving an unnoticed blood stain that he would have to deal with later.

Walking across the room, he went over to his couch and with a grunt sat down and groaned as he laid back.

The silence was broken by none other than Zoisite. "You have a very lovely place..." He said through the TV.

Causing Mamoru to sit up and see the intruder of his TV. "How did you find me?!" He questioned him.

"Actually, finding you was quite an easy task! Once I learned your true identity." Zoisite admitted with a chuckle. "Mamoru..."

Hiding his pain and smirking, Mamoru tried to remain calm and collected, though inside he knew he was already in hot water.

"So what do you want?" Mamoru asked getting down to business.

"Hm! Well, now that we know each other, I think the timing's right for us to get things settled once and for all." Zoisite suggested as he played with a bit of his hair.

"Go on, I'm listening." Mamoru said as he let go of his shoulder and leaning a little put his hands together.

"Good. We both want possession of those Rainbow Crystals, so I suggest a battle between us with the winner taking all. How's that sound?" Zoisite asked still playing with his hair.

"Hmph! Sounds fair, I accept your challenge, Zoisite." Mamoru answered confidently.

The sunlight streaming through the windows.

"Nice. That's a good boy. Now as for where, how about that wonderful structure in the bay area, the Starlight Tower?" Zoisite suggested.

"Yeah, that'll work." Mamoru said.

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