A Loss and a Gain

Start from the beginning

"WHAT!?" The screen asked.

"Keep you floppy disk in and calm down! I'm on your side. Let me begin from the last confrontation we had. After the battle, I was severely injured and had failed. With no other options, I returned to the Dark Kingdom. I knew who the Sailor Guardians were, with that knowledge, we could have attacked you at anytime. However, I was unable to reveal this information. Due to your interference with my plans, I was at the end of my rope. The leader of the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl, had enough on my failures and excuses. I came back after failing my last mission. To kill the Sailor Guardians. For some time now, she had threatened me with a severe punishment among the Dark Kingdom, the harshest one imaginable. The Eternal Sleep."

"The Eternal Sleep is a fate worst than death. Forever frozen in time, trapped in your own body in the endless darkness. Neither alive, nor dead. Inescapable. That's how it's described. That night, she fulfilled her threats and I was locked away. However, this was not the end for me. The feeling of being sealed away awoke something within me as I was frozen. Memories of my past self, before I joined the Dark Kingdom. I was a general for Earth back in the Silver Millennium. Along with the other Four Kings of Heaven, we were brainwashed by the enemy and forced to join them. I apologize for all the trouble I've caused you." Jadeite said.

"But how are you here? And what about the other Sailor Gruadians?" Luna asked.

"There is this thing called Astral projection. It occurs when you consciously separate your soul or astral body from your corporeal body. If the body houses your soul, as some believe, then astral projection is the separation of those two. Your consciousness goes with the astral body. Your body is left behind in a sort of stasis. It's still alive and functioning even though the astral body is gone. That is basically what you see before you now. My soul. Some say the soul can take forms of spirit animals. Mine is a cat and why I look the way I do. That's why I have the symbol of Earth on my forehead. Since being trapped, I have remembered my full past life and mission and using my astral body, I've been doing my mission."

"I've been helping the girls and by tapping into my connection with Earth, I've been able to give the others their transformation objects, just like you give the girls theirs. Naru is actually a reborn girl from the Earth Kingdom too. That's how she created those weapons from before. She knows about me as well. After Nephrite was healed, he found out too. I hid this from you two, because I wanted you to trust me. If I had told you my name up front, it wouldn't have ended well. And that basically brings us up to date." Jadeite finished.

It was silent as they took in this information, but mission control sighed.

"Well, this is certainly a surprise, but there isn't much we can do about it now. When will you tell the others?" He asked.

"When they are ready. Sooner or later. Preferably later, but I'm open for whenever." Jadeite answered.

"Very well. Anyway, Luna. The day when all five Guardians come together is near." He informed her.

"What?! You mean by that?!" Luna asked.

"Yes. Therefore, now is the time for you to explain everything to them." He continued.

"You're sure about that?" Luna asked.

"We know that the Dark Kingdom has been growing more and more restless. We have to prepare the Sailor Guardians. They need to know what they're fighting for." He pointed out.

"I understand." Luna said as the screen when dark. 'The time has finally come to tell them.' She thought.

"Luna." Jadeite called out to her. "You go meet up with your team. I'll meet up with mine. If your girls are ready for the truth of their mission, then so our mine. I have my own mission to tell the Sailor Guardians. What they are fighting to protect. So they don't have to join the meeting you guys are are holding."

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